10 Signs A Woman Is Jealous Of You

10 Signs A Woman Is Jealous Of You

Ahhh jealously. It’s one of our inherent human aspects that we could probably live without. At one point in your life, you probably have experience this before. Sometimes jealousy can even make you behave or act a certain way. But we live with it and hope that we become mature and grow out of it. Men and women both have different ways of showing and dealing with jealousy but today let’s focus on women and go over 10 signs a woman is jealous of you. Granted some are extreme signs but those are the best so you can easily pinpoint it to know quickly. So lets start off with:

1. She downplays your achievements

If she is slightly jealous of you in the beginning, what will annoy her the most or fuel her fire is if you continue to achieve success. If this happens, it’s because they want to feel better by downplaying your achievement by associating your success to other things rather than your skills or work ethic. You might hear things like “She got that raise because the manager likes her,” or “He got the job because he’s friend with the manager.” You might already know she’s talking smack behind your back or spreading rumors. If that’s the case, just ignore her because she’s just salty that she didn’t get it.

2. She gives you bad advice

There’s this old saying, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” Since they don’t like seeing you be successful or happy, they are more likely to sabotage any chances of you getting what you want or simply discourage you from even trying things. This is pretty bad and evil but just remember that if you’ve fell into their trap once, proceed with caution the next time and take their advice with a grain of salt. That’s one of the many signs a woman is jealous of you and she doesn’t respect you.

3. She imitates you

This will most likely happen with other girls if she’s jealous. She likes a little competition and attention too. They just want to be the better version of you. If you’re going to dress up and get all dolled up, she’s going to do the same. If you have the latest coach bag, she’ll get the latest Gucci bag. If you’re doing yoga, she’s going to do yoga. If you start getting straight A’s, then she’ll start, wait wait wait, this requires actual skills, she might be lacking in that department. But anyway, what I’m trying to say is that she might not even like the things she’s doing and she’s doing it because she wants to be like you or even better. Jealousy can push people to do some crazy things. I’m just saying.

4. She makes you look bad

If you make a mistake or did something wrong, you’ll know who would be the first one to snitch or talk about it. It’ll be her. She might even humiliate you in front of others. If given the opportunity, she’ll get every chance to make you look bad. The reason why she’ll do something like that is because she’s trying to hurt your credibility and want others to know that she is the better one. To even throw some salt into your wound, she might even start to criticize you more.

5. She won’t be there to witness your achievements

Seeing you happy and successful will only make her more jealous of you. But if you are feeling sad and miserable it’ll make her happy. Note that if you ever give her an invitation to your event to celebrate your achievement or success, she might not even go or just ghost you because it’ll make her feel uncomfortable and it’ll just increase her level of insecurity.

6. She is fake around you

This might be hard to tell at first because you won’t know initially until you start being around her more. She could be friendly and nice around you and when you turn your back, she could turn into a different person making negative remarks about you. And don’t count on the compliments being genuine; it’s going to be fake. She could be nice and say nice things but that doesn’t mean she will care. It’s just a show that she’s putting on for you and also for others to see. Bonus points if you catch her rolling her eyes at you.

7. She lies to you

At this point, she doesn’t need to be honest with you. She may dislike or hate you because she’s jealous of you. Plus, in her mind a few lies won’t hurt her. It might even make her feel a little better if you ever suffer from the lie.

8. She’ll make you the bad guy

A jealous woman could hurt your credibility and reputation. She’ll try to get your friends to turn their backs against you. Possibly ruin your relationships with others and even your career. If you know someone like that, your best bet is to stay away from them. But of course, that is if you finally realize that she’s actually jealous of you and is getting toxic around you.

9. A jealous woman may keep tabs on you

She’ll stalk you online looking at your photos and post and see what you’ve really been up to. If she doesn’t add you with her own personal account, she’ll make some fake online accounts to follow you or add you as a friend. To some extent she might even create these fake accounts to troll you online. In addition, she can also be getting information about you from friends or family. This way she’ll know what you’re up to. Now you might be thinking why she would want to even know what you’re up to. She’s doing this so she can find things that are imperfect about you so she can gossip it to others. Plus, it’ll probably make her feel a little better on the inside doing so.

10. She flaunts her happiness around you

Of course, she wants to make you jealous and envy her. It could be that her romantic partner got her an amazing gift and she wants to brag about it and let others, well specifically you know that she got someone that loves her blah blah blah you know the rest. Or that her work was recognized by the managers and she also want to brag about that too. Showing off in front of you will make her happy and also make her feel better about herself. But you don’t have to worry about that because deep down inside you’re humble and you don’t need drama like that in your life.

Overall, when a woman is jealous, their jealousy can last a long time and it’s usually hard for them to get over it. Jealousy comes from a lack of confidence and insecurity and it’s really hard for them to fix that if they don’t realize that they have an issue in the first place. You may not be able to control what others think and feel about you, but you can control how you choose to respond to them. Basically, what I’m trying to say here is to treat others how you want to be treated and sometimes you just got to be the bigger man or woman in some situations. When you’re able to achieve that, their jealousy won’t even bother you a bit. So there you have it, 10 signs a woman is jealous of you. If you want to know if she is jealous and likes you, check out signs a is jealous and likes you. 

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