10 Signs He Likes You More Than You Think

New relationships come with warm, fuzzy feelings, excitement, and a little bit of mystery. I bet you love it as much as I do – and I can’t blame you – but none of us want to jump the gun and get too excited for something that may not work out or be long-term. Luckily, there are 10 signs he likes you more than you think that could help you feel a little more confident about the direction that this relationship is going.

1. His everyday behaviors leave you pleasantly surprised.

If you aren’t convinced that this guy likes you a ton, a quick way to check would be to take inventory of your own reactions to his behavior. Start by asking yourself how often you are pleasantly surprised by something he says or does. I can attest to doing this myself. When I started dating my current boyfriend, I would be so surprised at how nice and loving he was from the beginning. He prioritized seeing me, made sure I was always ok, and would bring me cute little gifts to show I was on his mind. These weren’t grand gestures, but because I was surprised, we now know that I expected less from him and his commitment. If a guy keeps surprising you, maybe you’ve set your bar too low. After all, a guy who genuinely likes you should be doing those things on a regular basis.

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2. He gives you more and more attention as time goes on.

Unfortunately, a lot of relationships start off fiery and passionate and soon lose that spark until an eventual split. When a guy likes you more than you think, the opposite happens. He may start off interested, as we all do, but as that interest grows, he devotes even more time and energy to you as time goes on. He may prioritize spending quality time together, shower you with affectionate gestures, or simply make an effort to be present in your life. This gradual increase in attention is a clear sign that his feelings for you are deepening as he gets to know you better.

3. He’s an active listener.

There’s a huge difference between listening and active listening. A guy who likes you will listen, but a guy who is deeply connected and into you will actively listen. This means he gives you his full attention and displays it through eye contact, nodding his head, asking reflective questions, and – perhaps most importantly – putting his phone down during these convos. He remembers the details and provides thoughtful responses. This kind of listening demonstrates that he values your thoughts and opinions and wants to establish a strong emotional connection with you.

4. He gives you consistent compliments.

For this sign, you’ll need to pay attention to how often he compliments you. Whether it’s your appearance, your intelligence, or your personality, a guy who likes you will deliver genuine and heartfelt compliments about you that express his admiration. They will come often and some will keep being repeated to show how true he thinks they are. I’ve had friends who have dated guys who almost never complimented them, and I have sat there and watched them cry as they talked about it. I have also had friends who have dated someone who was over-the-top with their compliments and – trust me – it was never too much. The more he expresses his appreciation for you, the more you know he likes you.

5. He actively tries to impress you.

The more he likes you, the more he will try to impress you. He’ll go out of his way to be his best in front of you while also aiming to make you happier. He may plan unique or exciting dates, cook you your favorite meal, or capture your attention with a little surprise just to put a smile on your face. These efforts to impress you show that he wants to be the best version of himself for you and values your opinion of him.

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6. He tells you things his friends don’t know.

Not all guys have a confidant they can talk to about the deep stuff. Sadly, most men in our society are taught to keep things buttoned in and hide any deep emotions. When he starts to share things with you that he’s never told anyone – not even his best bro – then he is liking you more than ever. He may share personal stories, dreams, fears, or aspirations that let you see his vulnerability, deepening the trust between the two of you. He sees you as more than just a girl he’s casually dating and he wants to build a deeper emotional connection with you.

7. He gets protective over you.

A guy who gets protective or even jealous cares about your well-being and also sees you as his own. I don’t mean this in a controlling “You are mine!” kind of way, but that romantic jealousy where you don’t want anyone touching your guy or girl – except you, that is. He will instinctively stand up for you, defend you when needed, or express concerns if he feels you’re in a not-so-great situation. He will also put himself between you and another guy if he feels the guy is stepping on his romantic territory. Be sure to distinguish between a protective and a psycho-jealous guy, though. The latter will include a lot of anger in his reactions, whereas the former is more caring and concerned.

8. If you don’t reach out for a while, he’ll make sure you’re OK.

The more a guy likes you, the more he’ll want to have you in his life. This means he won’t let you leave without notice. He’ll take notice when you’re distant or haven’t been in touch for some time. Instead of assuming the worst, he shows genuine concern and takes the initiative to check on you. Whether it’s a simple text message or a phone call, he proves he cares about your happiness, safety, and your relationship with him.

9. He’s got no problem with PDAs.

A guy who doesn’t like you much won’t be flaunting you all over his turf, but a guy with genuine, strong feelings about you would love the opportunity to show you off as his girl. Public displays of affection, or PDAs, won’t make him uncomfortable. He’ll be proud to be with you and will want the world to know about your connection.

10. He invests in your life.

Investing in your partner’s life is when you put your time and energy into making sure things go well for them. This is part of the give-and-take of relationships and caring deeply for someone. If he likes you more than you think, he’s going to start investing in your life by meeting your friends and family, committing to plans with you far out into the future, and supporting your goals and dreams. He will offer advice, lend a helping hand, and be your #1 supporter because he wants to be a part of your journey and work towards building a future together.


If you can agree with at least half of these 10 signs he likes you more than you think, it looks like you have a real genuine guy in your midst. As a follow-up, don’t forget to check out our other video called “How Do You Test If a Guy Likes You.”
Pinpointing these signs not only boosts your confidence in the relationship but also demonstrates his dedication to you. I hope many of them resonate with you so that you can rest assured of where your relationship is going. I’m rooting for you two!

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