10 Signs She’s Not Interested In You

10 Signs She’s Not Interested In You

So, I’ve made a guy version of this titled “How to Tell If A Guy Doesn’t Like You,” So now it’s time for a female version of this. Some of the symptoms might overlap, and that’s because rejection nowadays is pretty normal, especially for a guy. There, there, you don’t have to cry because the girl of your dreams doesn’t like you back. Sometimes I will tell guys to be persistent and you’ll win the girl’s heart, but at the same time you guys can do some pretty crazy stuff to get a restraining order. So yeah, I’m not going to tell you that, not in this video at least. But if that’s the case, your best bet is to just let it go. Anyways, with that being said, here are 10 signs she’s not interested in you.

1. She avoids your plans

Generally, a good go to excuse to avoid plans is, “Oh, I don’t feel too well today, you can go without me” or something along the lines of this “Oh, something important came up. I’m afraid, I won’t be able to go with you.” The reason why these are good excuses is because you generally can’t argue with someone who isn’t feeling well or that they have something important to do. Plus, if they never try to make it up to you, that’s probably a clear sign that she’s avoiding you.

2. She lets others know that you’re like a brother or just a friend

If you ever hear her saying that you’re like a brother to me. It’s done now. There’s no way to get yourself out of the brother zone. If there is, let me know in the comment section. At least if you’re in the friend zone, you have a chance. But at the end of the day, having friends is good, good friends are hard to come by and if you actually value the relationship that you guys have together, then it’s best to keep it and not forcing her to change her mind about you and make her resent you.

3. Her texts are simple and straightforward

Okay for this one, at least you’re getting a response. Some girls will straight up ignore you or ghost you for days or weeks. Maybe she’s just being nice giving you a response. If she gives you one-word responses, your best bet is to text your parents because you’ll get more action from them than from her. At least your mother wants to know what you want for dinner. So, if she leaves you on read or responding with one-word text, it generally means that she’s not interested in you or not willing to keep the conversation alive.

4. She doesn’t rave about you

Usually if a girl likes you, they’ll at least tell someone or express some kind of interest towards you to another person. She’ll introduce you to her friends or family if you’re lucky. But I do understand not every relationship is like that. But c’mon if she’s really interested in you, you gotta know at least one or two people in her life. If you do not know any, that’s a major sign that she’s not interested in you and she doesn’t want you. Don’t worry, at least I’m here for you bruh. No homo.

5. She’s always with her friends

If for some miraculous reason she decides to hang out with you when you ask her out. Note that she’s not going to be with you one-on-one. She’s going to bring a friend or make it into a group event. This way she doesn’t have to get stuck in those intimate situations with you. And if it’s a group event and if she’s not feeling it, she could always leave early and things won’t be awkward because there’s still people around for you to hang out. If you’re trying to get some alone time with her and she’s not interested, it’s pretty hard. Your best bet is to just move on.

6. She talks about other guys with you

If she’s asking about other guys and whether they are datable for her or not, chances are that she’s not interested in you. She’s basically sending you signals that’s she’s interested in someone else. In addition, if she asks you for advice about other men that she’s dating, I’m sorry but the ship has already set sail.

7. She never gets physical with you

I mean no hugs, no handshakes, no playful arm touches, nor high fives. Dam might as well get a dog. But if that’s the case, she’s avoiding you altogether. Usually physical contact will take place if she’s interested in you. But if she’s not, don’t try force it because it only seems unnatural and creepy. Sometimes girls could just need some space. It’ll take some time to get use to…being rejected. On the reverse, this is how you can tell if she likes you by getting physical.

8. She talks a lot about her ex

A fresh breakup or a recent relationship that she can’t get over. It happens. She could go on and on talking about how she hates her ex or how she wants to get back with him. If that’s the case, it’s clear that she has not moved on to start a new relationship. I mean if you want, you can go in for a rebound, but then again, why cut yourself short? If the other guy suddenly wants her back, she will immediately drop you for him. So yeah, that’s never a good situation to be in.

9. She genuinely doesn’t care

She doesn’t care how she looks in front of you. She doesn’t care to know more about you, nor care to remember the things you guys talk about. If a girl is interested in you, she’ll do her best to look good when she sees you and not like she just rolled out of bed. Or that if you tell her that you don’t like sushi because you’re allergic to seafood and then she suggests going out to get sushi with you and a group of friends. She might be trying to kill you so just bring an EpiPen just in case.

10. She indirectly tells you or uses soft rejection statements

Here are a few sample statements she could tell you. I say sorry, just to make it sound pleasant:

“Sorry, I don’t think I’m really ready for a relationship at this point.”

“Sorry, I just feel like I need to focus on myself first.”

“Sorry, I just don’t feel the same about you.”

“Sorry, I’m already seeing someone.”

“Sorry, my parents said I can’t date.”

“Sorry, I’m busy doing something, but maybe later.”

“Sorry, I’m sure you’ll find someone special.”

If you ever encounter something along the lines of those statements listed. Your response could be, “haha psych. April fools.” Just kidding that doesn’t work. It’s not even April yet.

Overall, if you’re having doubts that she’s not interested in you and she shows a lot of these signs, then you’re probably right. There’s nothing worse than liking someone and that they don’t like you back. It’s one sided and the relationship will never work out. Eventually the more people you talk to or meet, you’ll find someone who one day will want to be serious with you and feel the same way about you. Just remember that, and you’ll be glad you didn’t waste your time on the same girl who wasn’t interested in you in the first place.

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