14 Signs He Likes You at School

School is a weird place. You’re on a pretty intense timetable, have to interact with a whole ton of personalities – whether that’s teachers or peers – and are old enough to learn about atrocious wars but still have to raise your hand to get permission to use the bathroom. As if you didn’t have enough to deal with, you now have to figure out if one of your classmates likes you or not. Maybe you’re interested in him or just curious about his behavior, but that’s where this channel comes in. Today I’m talking to you about 14 signs he likes you at school. Let’s figure this mystery out so you can focus on more important things – like that test you have next week that you haven’t started studying for.

1. He shows off in class.

If he likes you, he’s going to want you to pay attention to him and see what makes him different from the other 300 guys you pass in the halls every day. This is when he’ll show off his area of expertise. If math is his realm, he’ll be the first to answer questions and complain to the teacher that the material is too easy for him. Or, if he’s more of a jock, you’ll quickly notice how loud and boisterous he gets when he scores that goal, touchdown, or homerun in P.E. and makes a point that you hear about it.

Check out: How to know if a guy likes you in school

2. His friends tease him when you’re around.

Guys aren’t as verbal as girls are within their groups, but they’re pretty quick to catch on when there’s chemistry between a couple of people. His friends are no newbies when it comes to hitting on chicks, so they’re going to know when one of the crew has a crush on someone. Because they’re teenage boys, they’re going to do everything in their power to embarrass said guy in front of said girl. You may be walking by and they’ll start making fun of him for something that he did or said, push him in your direction, or do other dumb things to make him look silly in front of you.

3. He catches up to you when you’re walking down the hall.

Those sacred two or three minutes we have to walk from one class to another are the only time we have outside of lunch to connect with someone one on one – no teachers, no student at the desk next to you eavesdropping, just you and them. This is why he’ll rush to catch up to you in the halls if he has the chance. He’ll probably make small talk, ask what class you’re going to, or, if he’s in the same class, he may accompany you there. These are minutes he could have spent at his locker, with friends, or chilling at his desk. Instead, he specifically chose to spend the moment with you because he likes you.

4. He makes fun of your grades, no matter what they are.

Teasing is just a part of flirting and the younger you are the bigger a part it is. What better way to tease someone in a school than by making fun of the reason they’re in school in the first place – grades. If you get good grades, good for you, but he’ll make fun of you for being a nerd. If your grades are mediocre, he’ll make fun of you for being average. And if you bomb a test, he’ll poke you where it hurts.

5. He’s louder when you’re around.

If he’s loud, you’re going to hear him and, chances are, you’ll look at him as well. When he’s acting all cool with his friends, he’s going to want to make sure you see him. If you’re ever in a room and haven’t seen him already, he’ll also use this tactic to get your attention. While most girls may see this behavior as obnoxious, it’s pretty typical for guys to try and assume dominance in groups to seem like the leader of the pack. In his eyes, this will attract the ladies AKA you.

6. If you don’t go to school, he’ll ask you what’s up.

When he likes you, he’s going to notice when you’re not around. If you are out sick one day or have an appointment and miss class, he’ll either ask you where you are via text that same day or he’ll wait until you’re back in school to inquire about where you were. He definitely felt your absence – you go, girl!

7. He asks you to go to school events together.

If you’re both in the same club or planning to attend prom, homecoming, or some other big school event, he’ll ask you to go together. This could be as a date or as friends, but either way, he’s got a special place in his heart for you, because he could have asked anyone else.

Check out: 12 Signs she likes you at school

8. He tries to teach you things if he gets the chance.

If you’re stuck on a project, need to improve your mile run for that gym test, or have no idea how to use your lab microscope, a guy who likes you will rush to help you. No matter how old you are, at its core, a relationship is about supporting the other person. Even a guy in high school knows this, so he’s going to want to show his best and brightest colors in this arena whenever he can.

9. He wants to know your schedule each semester.

Whether you have semesters, trimesters, marking periods, or any other weird setup at your school, you’re probably going to be changing classes at least twice a year. This means you may have a new lunch period, different electives, or be swapping out of a class more than once. As soon as that mile marker hits and classes are selected, he’ll hit you up to see what you’re thinking. He might even be interested enough to pick his electives based on yours, which isn’t the smartest idea but does say a lot about his feelings for you.

10. He texts you during school.

Alright, guys, everybody knows we aren’t supposed to have our phones in school, but let’s be real. Who actually follows this rule? As far as I know, about 90% of students have phones on them in class and probably another 40% or so have the guts to try and use them in class – which is a big no-no. If he’s one of these people or sneaks in a text at his locker or while at lunch, he’s going to message you about something that happened, random things, or just to see how your day is going. At least, he will if he likes you. Even though you guys are in the same place, you may not have the same classes, so he’s going to do all he can to connect with you during the day – even if it’s “illegal.” Oh, what a bad egg.

11. He creates inside jokes with you.

If you’re lucky enough to share a good laugh about something that happened during the school day that no one else saw, you can bet that this guy will reference this moment as much as he can during the coming weeks. He’ll be excited to have this intimate moment he’s shared with you and only you. Plus, if the memory leaves you laughing or smiling, that’s an extra ten points in his book.

12. He asks you to tutor him.

If he’s struggling in a class, on a project, or with a certain topic and he sees you’re doing well, he may ask you for some academic help. Now, if you’re known as the class smarty pants and help everyone with their schoolwork, this doesn’t mean the guy likes you. If he specifically seeks you out even though he has other tutoring options, it means he’s comfortable around you, which is a pretty big deal. Once he asks you to meet at his house or your house, he’s definitely pushing the envelope and has some feelings for you. If he instead asks you to meet at the library or coffee shop, he may still be into you but you’ll have to look for more signs to be sure.

13. If you’re down, he gets worried.

A good relationship starts as some sort of friendship, which means he should show you he cares about you before he has a chance to be more than a friend. If he sees that you’re down or not acting like yourself in school, he’ll ask you about it either afterward via text or by pulling you to the side and asking you in private. If you have a problem that you’re open to sharing with him, he’ll also do his best to help you find a solution.

Check out: How to know if a guy likes you

14. He gets jealous if you talk to other guys.

Jealousy can run in any age group but it’s especially prominent in younger guys. After all, they tend to have more difficulty regulating their emotions. If he really likes you and sees you getting a bit too up close and personal with another guy, you’ll notice. He can exhibit jealousy by giving you the cold shoulder, saying something rude to the guy, being sarcastic about the interaction, or a ton of other ways. While it might show that he likes you, jealousy should be contained or it can get pretty ugly, so keep your eyes peeled.

Alright, ladies, you have 14 great signs to work with and now it’s time to see how many you can spot this next week at school. Let me know how it goes in the comments!

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