8 Signs a Guy is Testing You

We’ve all have taken a test at one point or another. They’re not fun, but at least they’re predictable. There are study guides, practice exams, and tutoring opportunities you could do if you wanted to get a good grade. But what about the tests without study guides, though? The ones that are unexpected? Is it possible to be tested without words? You bet, and it might be happening to you right now if you’re watching this. People test us all the time, and half the time we probably don’t even realize it. If you feel like a guy in your life is testing you, it could be for a whole boatload of reasons. So, let’s go through 8 of the signs a guy is testing you.

1. He flirts with someone else in front of you.

How to know if a guy is testing you? The jealousy test! One of the most annoying tests of all. A guy doing this has one clear motive: to see if you become jealous. He might like it if you do since that proves you like him, or he might be turned off that you’re the jealous type. Nine times out of ten, though, he’ll like the fact that you get competitive for his attention. Honestly, a guy who uses this test isn’t usually the most mature banana out of the bunch, so be wary moving forward… he might have more emotionally draining tests down the line for you and that might just be tiring. This is one of the good signs to tell that a guy is testing you.

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2. He bails on you last minute, then apologizes.

Do this once, let’s forgive. Do this more than twice, we bail right back. There’s a fine line between a small test and a disrespectful one. This guy is looking to test two things: One – how you react when things don’t go your way, and two – how much he can get away with. Talk about a balancing act for you poor ladies or guys! It’s important to make it clear that bailing isn’t cool, but that it’s acceptable under extreme circumstances or emergencies. We want to be a little more forgiving than Judge Judy, but not as empathetic as Oprah. And if you think about it, it’s one of the sly signs a guy is testing you.

3. He asks you strange hypothetical questions.

Depending on the questions, this guy will be testing you on different things. If he’s asking hypothetical questions that involve the two of you, for example, “What do you think it would be like dating me?”, then he’s obviously fishing for your feelings around the topic. If he asks you, “Would you rat me out if I confessed to a crime?” then he might be both crazy and testing your dedication and loyalty. One of the crazy signs he’s testing your loyalty, right? Haha. But at the end of the day, it’s just to get to know you better. I hope.

4. He shares a personal problem with you.

The first time a guy shares a personal dilemma with you, he’s going to be all ears to hear how you respond. Like any normal person in this scenario, he’s going to want support, and it’s time to bring your A-game. If he shares his problems with you, he’s testing you on empathy. Imagine confessing a problem to a friend who shrugged it off. Whether you planned it or not, you gave them a test and they failed it, which will impact how you see and act with them every day down the line.

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5. He shows up unexpectedly.

Someone who pops in unexpectedly, at least the first time or two, might just be doing it to surprise you and to gauge your reaction. It gets a little darker when this happens on more than one occasion because that’s when they’re straight-up testing you on trust. The thing is, this person does not have any trust in you, so they’re obviously trying to figure out if you’re lying or doing something you’re not supposed to like cheating. This isn’t healthy, so make sure to set some boundaries and have conversations early on before it escalates.

6. He gives you a crazy suggestion.

Is he testing me? Of course, yes! Maybe he suddenly says we should elope and run away together, or that we should never speak again. If it sounds like an outlandish suggestion, it probably is, and he’s saying it for a reason. He is testing your feelings for him. This is one of the best signs he is testing you. This could be a mix of how dedicated you are, or to see if you’re serious or could care less about your relationship. As long as he’s not normally crazy, then your response should be as honest as you feel. He is trying to get out the “real you”, after all. This is also one of the good signs to tell that a guy is testing you.

7. He asks you how your previous relationships ended.

This is the test of how much girlfriend or boyfriend potential you have, not judging. If all of your previous relationships were disasters, the only common factor will seem to be you. If you ended on neutral terms, or even ended badly but still don’t bad-mouth your ex, this shows you are mature and can manage relationships in a stable manner.

8. He talks about his female friends in front of you.

Is he testing to see if I like him? Of course, yes, again! This is another reaction test, and it’s more to measure how crazy you are. It’s one of the signs he’s testing your feelings. We all had friends before we got a boyfriend or girlfriend, and only the people in insecure relationships lose these friends once they’re in a relationship. He wants to make sure you’re not one of those people. Respond normally and respect his friendships – you will pass the test if you do. I mean maybe it’s not a test and he’s just trying to share a moment with you.

Check out: 10 Signs a guy is jealous and likes you


Overall in life, you’ll take math tests, a driving test, and probably a whole bunch of other tests, but we should never forget the millions of relationship tests that are thrown our way each and every day that we don’t even see. The best way to take these tests is to be yourself and be honest. After all, every single question we encounter could be a test of some sort. Like when your parents ask if you’ve taken the trash out? When you say no, they just wipe out a belt and taunt you with disappointment in their eyes. But that’s back in my days. So there you have it 8 signs a guy is testing you.

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