9 Types of Guys Who Stay Single

There are certain kinds of people who tend to fly solo for most of their life. I’m not just talking about jerks or narcissists, although those could be included, but about certain characteristics or lifestyles that tend to make a man lead a life that revolves around him and only him. He might be promiscuous and have a ton of women at different times or a total lone wolf who plays it close to the chest and doesn’t form strong relationships at all. In the end, all of these men share one thing in common, and that is that they are one and alone and perpetually free of a long-term relationship. Here are the nine types of guys who stay single.

1. Perpetual players.

Sometimes you meet a guy in high school or college who is handsome and knows how to get the ladies, but he ends up finding a girlfriend and settling down by the time he graduates. This promiscuity is more than likely a phase, but there are perpetual players out there who keep up the act into their late 20s, early 30s, and beyond. So, how do you differentiate between a temporary player and a perpetual one? The truth is it’s really hard to figure out unless you’re watching this guy for years, and who wants to do that? As a helpful hint, perpetual players never last more than about a year with one girl, and even then, you would be really surprised to see him publicize that relationship during the year – probably because he’s got other girls on the side in the meantime. He’s the type of dude who never gets deep enough with a chick to make it last, who thinks more with his pants than with his brain. He probably works out his biceps more than his brain too, but that’s beside the point.

Check out: 10 Warning signs of a player

2. The rich, spoiled guys.

Having money doesn’t automatically make you more likely to hop around relationships or stay single, but it does make life a little more unconventional. Let me explain. Having money can be a blessing and a curse, and it’s the same instance in relationships. When a man has money, he has more means to meet more people of different backgrounds, including beautiful women from all parts of the world. On the flip side, having more money may also make him wary of new friends and relationships, because it’s hard to know if someone likes him for him or if they’re just using him to get to his wallet. Add in the spoiled factor here and relationships get even more complicated because this guy expects all of the women in his life to treat him like his mommy does. These types of guys often look down on other people and would never be caught dead trying to fight for love or showing extreme effort to vie for a woman’s attention. While they think it’s a show of ego, it just shows that they’re not good at relationships, and this is yet another factor that will affect this guy’s ability to be with one girl for a long time.

By the way, if you’re dealing with the opposite type of guy – AKA a scrub with no job, you may want to check out another video we have called “11 Signs He’s Using You for Money.”

3. Workaholics.

This type of guy is pretty entertaining, because they do end up trying to find a woman or even getting married, but a lot of the time the reason they do is to keep getting ahead in their careers and life. This person is goal oriented. He is going to reach for the stars when it comes to his job, but he’s also smart enough to know that a successful life is defined by settling down, finding a good wife, and procreating little goal-oriented humans. You’ll likely see him form a serious relationship in his late 30s, pushing back his daddy years as far as he can. Unfortunately, this marriage usually ends up deteriorating before the 10-year mark, after which this man becomes a single divorcee who may or may not pick up a couple of serious relationships in his later years but will likely never settle down with a once-in-a-lifetime love. Have you ever met any workaholics? If so, do you think they can change? Let me know in the comments!

4. Recluses.

There are a whole bunch of guys out there who only go to work and go home. No outdoor hobbies in between, no grocery shopping, no dating. A lot of these guys are the standard stay-at-home-and-play-video-games kind of people. Others have issues, and some may have had bad experiences with women so they decided to take it online or avoid them altogether. What they have in common is that they don’t put themselves out there enough to find girlfriends, even temporary ones. And virtual ones don’t count. Unless they experience some “aha” moment in their lives, these guys are bound to be single and probably living in their childhood home forever.

5. Party boys.

We may associate players or rich kids with party boys, but it isn’t always the case. There are some good guys out there who fall into the vice of partying with no parameters. These are the guys who may let their friends or alcohol influence them more than the rational part of their brain, causing them to stay out way later than planned on way too many occasions. Needless to say, this doesn’t go very well with long-term relationships, and it will cause enough fights, disappointment, and mistrust to end up ruining most of the romance this guy sparks up. Not to mention that he probably finds most of these romances in a party setting, which isn’t always the best environment for finding something serious.

Check out: Why do people cheat in relationships?

6. Serial daters.

Serial daters are unique because they may be able to keep some relationships “serious”, but those relationships eventually deteriorate and this person moves on to a new lady shortly thereafter. Serial daters like the idea of having someone around and they may even be OK partners at the beginning… until they get bored. This person is dating for entertainment, not love, and just like those Netflix series, some characters get old. You can spot a perpetual dater by noticing when you say “Wow, he got another girlfriend?” the next time you check out his Instagram page.

7. Crazy adventurers.

Crazy adventures are super attractive at first because they’ve got the ambition and the drive to do some wild things. These will be the nomadic travelers, some musicians, and guys who tend to relocate more often than you change your underwear. His adventurous lifestyle doesn’t match the rhythm of most serious relationships, and even if he finds an adventuring girlfriend to match there will likely be a moment when she just can’t keep up anymore.

8. Perfectionists.

Perfectionists are good at attracting women because they seem to have it all together. Their downfall is when they expect everyone that they meet to have it even more together to a level that isn’t possible. They then become controlling, judgmental, and too extreme to let love lead the way. I used to babysit for a politician who was this way and I always remember how creeped out I was by it. He had managed to get married, which was expected for his political position, but I saw how unhappy and anxious his wife was as his partner. After I had put the kids to bed, she would get home and immediately start making sure that everything was in its exact position before her husband arrived. And I don’t just mean cleaning up or tidying – I did that – I mean making sure that the mail was in a perfect pile at the exact corner of the table and that the chairs were at the exact angle that he had left them at in the morning, etc. That woman suffered. I was not the least bit surprised when I found out a few years later that they were getting a divorce. Honestly, good for her.

9. Trauma survivors.

We can’t blame individuals for the trauma that they experienced by others, but we all reach a point where we are responsible for our own healing. Men who have experienced extreme trauma earlier in life and have not dealt with it will often display the consequences in their relationships. This type of healing will not occur on its own; he needs to be proactive in searching for it. Otherwise, his interpersonal relationships are sure to suffer, and most women will not be able to tolerate it for long. My ex could count for this group. He used lies to navigate some messed up family dynamics as a child, and then he brought that into his romantic relationship with me. To no one’s surprise, that won’t work out for long.


Everybody’s different, so it’s not to say that every single guy in these nine categories will remain perpetually single. Sometimes, guys meet the right girl and the necessary changes occur to keep that relationship going, but if you’re the girl in such a relationship, don’t count on him changing. You deserve someone who is self-aware and working towards healthy love as much as you are, and don’t forget it!

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