Codependency Quiz

Codependency Quiz

You may have heard about codependency and codependent relationships before where they are more than likely to carry those negative connotations. We often find ourselves invested in relationships with one another in many ways whether it is time or effort. Before you realize, you could be too consumed in such relationship where you become codependent. But what exactly codependency is and do you possess those traits? Take this quiz to find out!

Based on your experience with, choose the answer that best indicates the degree to which you agree/ disagree with the following statements:

1. You are the one who go out of the way to help other people.

2. You take people’s problems seriously as if it is your own.

3. You are not very good at making boundaries.

4. You find it very uneasy to say no to people.

5. You care more about people’s opinions than your own.

6. You feel the needs to please everyone and make sure they are happy.

7. You feel the need to give unsolicited advice.

8. You spend a lot of time, trying to fix other people, or other people’s problems.

9. You sacrifice your time to listen to people.

10. You feel the needs to take control over an uncomfortable situation.

11. You get anxious when the other person is not

13. You take the role of a caretaker in the family or a relationship, where you make sure everything is taken care of.

14. You believe that you know what’s best for the others.

15. You get upset when your advice is not followed.

16. You are afraid to lose a relationship that you highly value.

17. You are afraid to let people go.

18. You become obsessive with the idea of controlling people’s behaviors.

19. Your self-value depends on how people see you and how helpful you are.

20. You feel that you are taken for granted.

21. You think that having limits and boundaries means being selfish.

22. You are highly self-critical.

23. You feel responsible for others’ feelings.

24. You take people’s problems seriously as if it is your own.

25. You have a hard time making decisions as you worried it would affect others.

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