Does He Love Me Quiz

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are relationships. It takes time and effort to form a strong bond with someone, and the strongest of those bonds are often solidified with the famous phrase, β€œI love you.” While it’s pretty in books and movies, we don’t always know straight away if the other person feels this way for us or not. In fact, this phrase is often shown before it’s said. Actions speak louder than words, right? If you’re not sure enough to ask him yourself, but you’re sitting at home wondering, β€œDoes he love me?”, then this 30-question quiz is for you!

Based on your personal experience, choose the answer that best indicates the degree to which you agree/ disagree with the following statements.

1. Does he try to get into the things you like?

2. Does he take charge when you’re overwhelmed?

3. Does he buy you unexpected and/or thoughtful gifts?

4. Is he usually paying attention to you?

5. Does he worry about your health and safety?

6. Does he drop everything to greet you with enthusiasm?

7. Does he let you know he’s thinking about you?

8. Does he cheer you up when you’re feeling down?

9. Does he include you in his future plans?

10. Does he ask for your opinion on important decisions?

11. Does he know something is wrong, even when you don’t tell him?

12. Does he share the same values as you?

13. Does he think of you all the time?

14. Are you his date to family events?

15. Does he volunteer to do the tasks you hate?

16. Would he lose sleep to help you if you needed it?

17. Does he try to connect with your family?

18. Is he cool with your friends?

19. Does he try to make up after a fight?

20. Does he protect/stand up for you?

21. Are you his priority?

22. Does he remember the little things?

23. Will he go out of his way for you?

24. Does he compliment you often?

25. Does he ask you about your future goals?

26. Do you both talk each other’s finance?

27. Does he support your dreams?

28. Does he give more than he takes?

29. Does he brag about you to others?

30. Has he said, β€œI love you?”

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