How Do You Know If You Found Your Soulmate?

How Do You Know If You Found Your Soulmate?

Have you ever met somebody who seems almost too good to be true?  You click in all the right ways, and that they give you the warm fuzzy feeling on the inside that you and I just can’t explain.  While it may be easy to confuse some of your emotions with what you are expecting to see rather than what you are actually seeing, there are several signs that your partner isn’t just any old romantic endeavor – they may actually be your soulmate, the one that you can spend the rest of your life happily with. Here’s 10 ways to know, but not entirely exhaustive.

1. You have many or all of the same or similar interests

Have you been finding that you are into all of the same things?  The same niche indie bands, the same favorite foods, you both love to go rock climbing, or you both love romantic comedy movies?  Having many similar interests will benefit you in the long run in your relationship, as it gives you a lot of common ground to build your relationship on and ensures that you always have something to talk about!

2. Time flies between the two of you

It seems that when you’re together, time flies like it’s nothing, regardless of what you’re doing.  It could be hours of deep, insightful conversation, or it could just be time spent watching funny YouTube video all day.  It could even be a six-hour road trip spent in peaceful silence, just enjoying each other’s company.  Whatever the case, if time seems to fly whenever you are with your significant other, it may be a sign that they are truly special.

3. You share goals and plans for the future

Mutual attraction aside, a soulmate has to have the same vision for their future that you do – otherwise, a life together simply would not work out.  Do you want to live in the same city, or work in the same industry?  What are your views on family?  Your values, goals, hopes, and dreams should be similar moving forward – and if you find yourselves heading down the same path, it is definitely something to hold on to!

4. The timing is right

You’ve all heard it before – “In the right place at the right time!”  But this really is true – some relationships aren’t meant to be unless the situation and timing allows for it.  You may cross paths constantly over the years, but your relationship won’t bloom until both of you are ready for it.  If what you want out of a relationship or out of a person isn’t where it needs to be, then it won’t be.

5. You love them for both their strengths and flaws

Rather than wishing that your significant other would change a habit of theirs or behave a little differently, a sign that your partner could be your soulmate is if you find yourself loving them because of their flaws and quirks, rather than in spite of them.  A person or partner is the whole package – you can’t pick and choose which attributes come with them.  Accepting and loving all aspects of a person, both the good and bad, are signs that the person you’re with is truly someone special to you.

6. Communication is easy, free-flowing, and comfortable 

Any strong or successful relationship depends on good communication between the participants involved.  If your partner is someone who you just don’t feel comfortable bringing certain topics up around or discussing certain aspects or issues on your mind, this may be a sign that they are simply not for you.  On the other hand, if you find that you can freely discuss anything with your partner comfortably, without fear of being judged, reprimanded, or laughed at, this is a green flag that your partner is someone who is always willing to meet you in the middle and listen to what is on your mind, something crucial for any prospective life partner.

7. You can swallow your pride and apologize

Going hand in hand with open communication, any relationship is a partnership – nobody can be right 100% of the time, and you need to work together to build the relationship, rather than against each other.  If you’re comfortable enough to swallow your pride and admit when you are wrong to your partner, the one person who you don’t need to always be strong or right in front of, then it shows that you are comfortable enough around them to even reveal when you are vulnerable or weak.  This vulnerability only shows itself around people who are soulmate material, so if you aren’t afraid to admit to your partner that you were wrong or weak, then it’s a sign that you aren’t afraid that it will impact your relationship in any way, since it is much stronger than that.

8. You trust them and don’t feel jealous

If you know your partner well and trust them immensely, the feeling of jealousy shouldn’t be present in your relationship.  No matter how pretty the new girl in the office is or how attractive the next-door neighbor is, if you know that your partner is as safe with you as you are with them, then the unfounded or irrational fear of them leaving you for someone else or blindsiding you won’t be present in your relationship.  Any good relationship has its groundwork in mutual trust, and if your relationship has that trust, then it is a sign that it’s something that is bound to last.

9. Your sense of humor is similar

The joy of laughter is invaluable and oftentimes overlooked in a relationship.  However, the ability to make each other laugh, even in the face of adversity, shows that regardless of how tough the going gets, you will be able to help each other through any obstacles or difficulties that you face either together or individually.  You can rely on your partner for support and to be the light on the other end of a dark tunnel, and this is a sure sign that your partner may be your soulmate.

10. You’re more confident in yourself

A relationship is meant to build up the individuals as well as the unit, and any soulmate-potential partner will definitely do that.  They’ll point out and appreciate all of your strengths and positive attributes, and encourage you to think as highly of yourself as they do of you.  A partner should think the world of you, and a good relationship will eventually lead the participants to think not only highly of each other but of themselves as well.

It’s important to be self-confident before engaging in a relationship, rather than gaining all of your validation from your partner, but a good partner will seek to validate and appreciate you anyway, and never break you down or make you feel like anything less than a million bucks.  If you find yourself standing a little straighter or smiling a little more brightly due to your partner, it may be a sign that they are the one for you.

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