How to Fall Asleep When Not Tired

How to Fall Asleep When Not Tired

Do you currently have those moments where you want to sleep but you can’t? Or you know you should be sleeping but it’s hard for you to try. A lack of sleep can definitely ruin your day and make you feel less productive. You can take sleeping pills or other drugs to aid you in a good night’s sleep, but if you are heavily relying on those drugs every day, you can develop some negative side effects. So here are 16 natural ways on how to fall asleep when you’re not tired.

1. Ensure your room is comfortable

A comfy room that has everything in place and nice beddings is definitely the best place to get sleep any time even when you’re not tired or sleepy. The bed especially should be a comfortable place to sleep with the right pillows and mattresses. Some mattresses need to be rotated to make them comfy, therefore this should be done from time to time to make it conducive for sleep. The pillowcases too should be kept clean and changed at least after a week.

2. Get the right temperature for your room

If the temperature of your room is too hot or too cold, it will not be easy to fall asleep. Create a comfortable environment for your room. The best thing to do in order to sleep faster is to open the windows of your room and allow some cool air to flow in. The body’s temperature drops slightly when asleep and this is believed to aid in the sleeping process altogether. Hence, when the room temperature is cool, you are bound to fall asleep much faster because the body will easily bring down the temperatures and induce sleep.

3. Take a warm bath

Taking a warm bath at night is one of the best ways to relax your body after a long day of work or study. In addition to that, doing this can help you sleep better especially when you’re not tired. After having a warm bath, your body temperature drops rapidly when exposed to the cooler environment. The low body temperature will slow down the metabolic processes such as digestion and even heart rate, and this in turn helps the body to wind down and allow you to have a sleepy feeling.

4. Adjust the lighting

Light has a way of keeping the body awake, therefore, it is hard to sleep with lights on and especially bright light. There are some people who don’t like sleeping in total darkness and will dim the light. If you are having trouble sleeping with dim lights on, wearing an eye mask will do the trick in helping you sleep faster. If you prefer sleeping in complete darkness, ensure to cut out on any light that may be in your room or coming from outside. For instance, any devices that may have light such as your phone screen should be covered or hidden. Also, to easily induce sleep, get blinds for your windows to keep the distracting lights from the streets or the sun from finding its way into your room. This way you can fall asleep faster even when you’re not tired.

5. Get up and do something

Sometimes the harder you try to sleep the more difficult it becomes to find some sleep. Staying in bed will probably get you worrying or stressed over the inability to sleep and this will only make it more difficult to fall asleep. So why not just get out of bed and try to occupy your mind with something engaging. There are a couple of things you can do, for instance, do a crossword puzzle, read your favorite book, or drink some milk. After a while, you are more likely to fall asleep.

6. Wear socks to bed

Cool body temperatures are required to induce sleep. According to research, wearing socks dilates the blood vessels bringing them to the surface of the skin and in turn promotes heat loss. So, wearing socks to keep your feet warm will provide the optimum body temperatures for a good rest.

7. Drink Chamomile tea

Drinking chamomile tea is one of the best ways to calm your body and prepare it for sleep at night. It gives you a relaxed feeling within no time. Make it a habit to prepare and drink at least one cup of chamomile tea an hour before going to bed. This will definitely be your antidote for falling asleep faster and deeper.

8. Listen to music

Ever heard of the saying “music is food for the soul?” Well, music can also bring about rapid onset of sleep. Listen to a playlist of songs from the 80s or those with a slow rhythm to help relax your mind and body. Once your body is relaxed it will be much easier to fall asleep.

9. Don’t look at your clock

The worst thing to do when trying to fall asleep is constantly glancing at your clock. The clock only reminds you of how long the night will be. This will definitely create a stressful environment making it harder to catch some sleep. Place your phone or clock somewhere where you can’t reach or see it to avoid the temptation of looking at the time. This way you can fall asleep better when you’re not tired.

10. Don’t eat too much before bed

Ensure your evening meal comprise of a healthy and balanced diet that will be easier for your body to digest. Go for light and healthy food such as vegetables that can be easily digested. If you eat foods high in fats or proteins, you might have a difficult time falling asleep because the body will take a long time to digest it.

11. Force yourself to stay awake

Have you ever been in a boring work meeting where you are trying to force yourself to stay awake, but the more you do it, the more you sleepy you feel? This technique is called reverse psychology and can work for you in case of sleep aversion. Instead of trying hard to fall asleep, try to stay awake and with time you will eventually fall asleep.

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12. Use the 4-7-8 breathing method

This is a method created with the intention to help people fall asleep faster. Doing this exercise conditions your body for sleep by increasing oxygen supply into the bloodstream and slowing down the heart rate. Start by inhaling for 4 seconds through your nose, slowly. Ensure to press your tongue onto the roof of your mouth throughout the entire exercise. Hold your breath for 7 seconds. Once the seven seconds are over, exhale slowly through your mouth for 8 seconds. Repeat until you feel relax and sleepy.

13. Dip your face in cold water

Dipping your face in cold water for about 30 seconds can do wonders in terms of helping you fall asleep fast. This has a way of calming down the entire body and most especially the nervous system. There is an involuntary response associated with this action known as mammalian dive reflex. This response is responsible for slowing down the heart rate hence triggering the feeling of sleepiness.

14. Don’t think too much

Most people have a habit of thinking about so many things during bedtime which is the reason why you can’t sleep. Thinking about your problems, and work will only make you stay awake. Instead try to relax your mind in order to have a better sleep. If you have any problems, clear them out of your mind before bedtime or write everything down in a journal such as a to-do list to prevent yourself from thinking about them.

15. Develop a sleep time routine

Having a bedtime routine is vital in preparing your body to rest. Do some of your favorite activities before getting to bed, it might include reading a novel, organizing your closet in preparation for the next day, or any activities that you find suitable. By the time you are done, your body will be prepared for a night rest and it will be easier for you to get some quality sleep. Make sure to sleep at the same time every day so that the body gets used to winding down at that exact time on a daily basis.

16. Use essential lavender oil in your room

The smell of lavender oil brings about a calming effect that can help trigger sleep. Diffuse it into your room or have some of it in your pillow. This will relax the muscles in your body and induce deep and quality sleep throughout the night.

Overall, these natural remedies might take some time to induce sleep. Once you start the habit of following these remedies, you will eventually have a good sleep without relying on medications.So there you have it 16 natural ways on how to fall asleep when you’re not tired.

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