How To Get Out Of Friend Zone Fast

How To Get Out Of Friend Zone Fast

So, you got stuck in the friend zone huh? You probably played it too safe my friend. You can’t always be doing this. If you want someone you gotta go for it or else someone else will swoop right in if you take too long. Just note that when you’re in the friend zone things just go flat line, meaning that there’s no spark, no excitement and especially no emotional connection. And you always wonder how bad boys or bad girls always get the dates and the guy or girl, it’s because they are interesting and they tap into people’s emotions driving them crazy and eventually they’re on this emotional rollercoaster that they can’t get off. You see my point. That’s exciting. And you want to get that going for yourself so they don’t friend zone you.  But if you’re in it, let me try to help you out. Here’s 5 steps on how to get out of the friend zone fast.

Step 1: Flirt with memes

If you’re not flirting at all, that’s probably the number one reason why you’re in the friend zone in the first place. Now I know not everyone are experts at flirting in person, that’s including myself. So, the easiest way to get your flirting game on is to do it via text or online and that’s by slowly sending flirting memes like these. So, they’ll get it. And when you finally make them laugh it’s time to do it in person! Google the cheesiest pickup lines or jokes if that helps.

Step 2: Demonstrate confidence

As the saying goes, “fake it until you make it.” When you’re around that person, make it known to them that you have your shit together. Let them know that you’re good at working with people, and that you can handle responsibilities and you’re just over competent at what you do. I know that no one can be 100% perfect but hey, you can at least control your situation and only show them the good side about you first. Then slowly let all the kinky stuff out when you’re comfortable. That’s if you have any.

Step 3: Make more friends

You need to expand your network. The more people you know and make friends with, the better it is for you and here’s why. If for some reasons you can’t get out of the friend zone or that person isn’t into you at all, you’ll have other people in your Rolodex. This way it’ll help you move on easier if things don’t work out between you two. Second of all, it creates an image that you’re probably fun and nice to hang around that’s why you have so many friends. This might create some jealousy, but it’s a good thing. If they want you, they’ll seek your attention and voila you’re onto the next step.

Step 4: Get them to hang out with you one-on-one like a lot

This is probably where most people fail. It’s on step 4. You’re probably in the friend zone because you’re not hanging out at all or when you do, it’s always in a group setting. If that’s the case, how would they know you’re interested or if you’re trying set them up with a friend. So, don’t do that. Be more direct and ask them to hang out with you. Do something fun like go bowling, biking, rock climbing, or ice skating so you can hold their hands. Haha. True story, I do take my crushes to skating especially the ones who can’t skate. Here are some inexpensive date ideas.

Step 5: Say, “I like you”

Once you have successfully done all these steps and you’ve been getting some positive signs from them or not. This is the final step, so make the move. It’ll make or break you. If you succeed, then congratulation on not being single. If they ended up not liking you back romantically and you start to break, then ummm. Let’s just say it wasn’t meant to be. The universe created a fix path for them and unfortunately you weren’t the right one on their path, but don’t fret. You have your own path and you just haven’t walked far long enough to find your mate.

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