How to Keep a Conversation Going With a Guy

How to Keep a Conversation Going With a Guy

So, you finally found a guy to talk to and now you’re nervous because you think the conversation won’t last long or maybe you just want to know how to talk to a guy you like. If you can talk to your friends, I’m sure you will be able to pull this one off. At one point in life, we all get nervous talking to someone who we don’t truly know, just like a stranger, but then you realize they are actually pretty cool and you guys becomes friends, best friends, or partners. Take a moment to think about that. I do realize this is not just another girl we are trying to make conversation with, this is a guy, a dude, a man, a male we are talking about, but it’s no different. You have a male friend, too, right? *Cough* *Cough* I’m here. Just to prove that to you, if you simply make a comment down below, I will reply back to you. With that being said, here are 15 ways on how to keep a conversation going with a guy.

1. Start off with a compliment

To create that initial spark, most guys would like it if you give them a compliment. The compliment must be genuine so it seems like you show some interest in it. For instance, if he wears a watch you could make a comment about it saying that “it’s a really nice time piece, you must be into fashion, right? Where do you often shop for something like that?” At the same time, you are flattering him while keeping the conversation going. Some guys do like attention, so give him the attention and it will signal to him that you want to talk to him. But when complimenting him, don’t try to overwhelm him and overdo it to the point where you are trying to seduce him. I mean, there’s guys who like that so keep in mind how you want to impress him.

Check out: How to compliment a guy on his personality 

2. Talk about his interest

Guys love to talk about their interests and hobbies. This could get him talking and talking for hours. Also, you can ask questions to get him talking more about a particular interest he has. I do understand that some topics might not be interesting for girls such as cars, or bike racing, but you can always change to a different interest once he is done with it. This shows that you are interested to know more about him. So, the more you talk to him, the more he will share with you.

3. Share stories with him

In general, people like stories. If you are a great story teller, you will have no problem talking to a guy. Also, it can be a really good ice breaker. Stories will prolong the conversation and also make you look like a good communicator.

4. Open up and lower your walls

Just so you know, I’m not talking about sharing your deep secrets or getting personal with a guy immediately. I’m talking about sharing some insight about yourself. Let him know you are friendly and a trustworthy person. Make yourself seem approachable but don’t come in too strong and make him feel intimidated or uncomfortable.

5. Don’t talk about your past relationships

This can be a major conversation killer. Guys can lose interest in you really quick and doesn’t want to feel like he’s just a rebound. If questions led him to ask about your past relationships, then it’s okay. But it’s better if you don’t bring it up, initially. There’s more cons than pros just talking about your past relationship. But I mean if you want to get out a conversation really quick, this tip might help.

6. Show that you are interested

This might be common sense, but some people tend to skip over this. Be actively listening to what he is saying. Don’t be distracted with your phone or other people walking by. You’ll get bonus points if you maintain eye contact with him and show positive body language.

7. Ask open-ended questions

Single word answers like “yes” and “no” can end the conversation really quick. In addition, it doesn’t seem like the conversation will get anywhere far. Questions that requires the guy to think a little bit more with a long answer will give you a better insight of the guy and keep the conversation going. Also, if you find his answer to be interesting, you can share your own experience or story to let him know you are intrigue by it. One more thing. Pay close attention to his answers, sometimes you can generate more questions based on it.

Checkout: 10 Easy conversation starters that always works

8. Find things in common

If you want your conversations to last, you must find things you both like or interested in. If all you do is work and work you might not have a lot of interesting things to say. You might want to do something together with this guy if you are interested in him. For instance, if you both really like camping or hiking, you know for sure you guys can try that out together or share some camping or hiking experiences you may have. Note that the less things you guys have in common, the easier it is for the conversation to die.

9. Try talking in a group setting first

Some girls might find this tip very useful if they have a hard time talking to guys one-on-one. If that’s you, you can start by inviting the guy and your friends over for a study session, a hangout, a party, or lunch. Find what fits for you. Talking to the guy doesn’t have to be stressful. You can just ease your way in slowly and once you gather the confidence, you can start solo conversation with him. This way, you take a lot of pressure off and you will feel comfortable being around people you already know.

10. Talk about nonsense

This might be a risky play depending on the guy. Find out if he has a good sense of humor, if not, don’t attempt this. Random and bizarre topics can make the conversation fun and stress-free. For instance, you can say something like “What if unicorn do exist? What’s the first thing you’ll do?” or “Image if penguins one day rule the world.” If he’s interested, he might play along with you and build on to your random what-if scenarios.

11. Play the 10-question game

Ask him if he wants to play a game that involves asking each other questions. If he’s into you, he probably has dozens of questions to ask you. You might also have a ton of questions to ask him as well. You can set the rules and the intensity of the question. For instance, he can start first by asking you a question, you can answer, but when it’s your turn, you can’t ask the same question that he asked you. This will only keep the game interesting. You’ll be surprise to find how much you’ll learn about him.

12. Go in with a plan

Sometimes it’s best to plan ahead about what you’re going to say. I know you might think this is weird and not natural, but he doesn’t know that. Plus, it’ll help you kick start the conversation. Who knows, the initial conversation can be really interesting and you guys bonded and just trailed off into something else that’s better. At that point, you probably don’t need to follow through the plan and the conversation will be natural. Just remember that the plan will be there to help and guide you in case the conversation doesn’t pick up. Plus, it doesn’t hurt to plan ahead.

13. Have a positive attitude

If you want to talk to the guy, you will need to be open-minded and positive. Being negative will quickly end a conversation. Try not to complain too much during a conversation because sooner or later he’ll lose interest in you. If he has an opinion about something and gives you some advice, take a note of it and acknowledge it, but don’t give your feedback in a negative way. The reason for this is because people in general typically don’t like to hang around with negative people. Also, he’s probably trying to help or wants to express his views about a certain topic.

14. Let him talk about himself

Sometimes it’s best to not talk too much about yourself and have the conversation be one sided. Instead, invite him to talk about himself, his past, or experiences. You’ll get to know him on a personal level and keep the conversation going. Who knows.

15. Take mental notes of your surrounding

The reason why I saved this for last is because just in case you feel like the conversation is dying, this will help jumpstart the conversation again. So, you’re nervous and you ran out of things to talk about. Look around, talk about the location, the food, the atmosphere, or the yelp rating of the place you’re currently in. Better yet, if you are having pizza together, talk about that funny story how you were so busy that you had pizza for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Make him laugh and you’ll get his interest back and the conversation will continue again.

If you ever get a boyfriend check out: 15 Things to talk about with your boyfriend

Overall, if you have tried all these tips and you both didn’t click, it’s okay. Not all conversation will sail smoothly. Don’t force a conversation with him when he’s not interested. Sometimes it’s best to know that in the beginning so you will save yourself the time and trouble. I’m sure, there’s another guy out there who is patiently waiting for someone to have a great conversation with. So, take some time and practice these tips. One day you’ll find him! So there you have it 15 ways to keep a conversation with a guy.

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