How to Know If a Boy Likes You

There’s a big difference between a boy who likes you and a guy or man who likes you. A boy is usually college-aged or younger and, let’s face it, a little immature. They say girls develop around two years faster than boys, which means even though he may be a legal adult, his brain really isn’t. I’m not bagging on boys because they’re just maturing naturally, but they will show you distinct signs when they’re into you. Here are 7 signs on how to know if a boy likes you, silly behavior and all.

1. He always makes fun of you.

A little bit of teasing can be flirtatious at any age, but continuously joking and poking fun at you is more of a boyish behavior. He’ll likely find any reason to make a joke about something you say or do and will be quick to challenge you to a bet or some sort of competition. I remember in college when my roommate was getting to know a guy named Jack. They had this little dynamic of continuously trying to one-up each other. It was all in good fun and they did click, but this seemed to be Jack’s only way of flirting with her. He was always saying he was better at this or that – playfully, of course – and was quick to make fun of her for any blunder she did.

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2. He asks you to do something for him.

A man who likes you will do something for you, but a boy who likes you will ask you to do something for him. He could ask you to help him out with an assignment, give your opinion while he’s shopping for something, or do any other task that he could probably do himself. This is his way of gauging whether or not you’re also into him. If you’re quick to help him out, he’ll take that as a sign of endearment. If you avoid the task, he may think you’re not open to giving him a chance.

3. He tries to act cool when he’s with his friends.

A younger guy is more focused on being accepted socially than he is on being accepted by you. It might sound rough, but it’s just the way things are when it comes to teenage and young adult development. He could be as sweet as pie when you two are alone then suddenly act like some king who’s way too good for you when his friends are watching. I like to think of these displays as similar to how a group of monkeys or hyenas act. The loudest and most aggressive male usually becomes the leader of the pack and ends up getting all the girls, and this boy is following such an example. Unfortunately for him, you are no monkey or hyena, so he’ll have to learn his lesson the hard way.

4. He tries to mooch off your work.

Chances are this guy either studies or works alongside you. In an act of immature laziness but also emotional immaturity, he may ask you to help him with his work with the hopes you’ll do it for him or let him copy. If you do, he’ll think you care about him – like in a weird Freudian mother kind of way – which could mean you like him back.

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5. He loves non-public PDAs.

Public displays of affection could be making out in public or just holding hands. Boys usually aren’t into that sort of thing because of their group mentality and the fear of being made fun of. Alone, on the other hand, they absolutely love affection and being taken care of. My old fling, Nicholas, was a cuddle-bug cutie pie when we were alone. Even before we actually went out, he would give me hugs and flirt in very cute ways, but only in private. The moment we were around anyone else, goodbye PDA. It was like I transformed into his cousin. Nicholas was a boy who liked me, that was for sure, but I can’t confirm that he ever turned into a man in that regard.

6. He tries to make you jealous.

Guys at any age can play emotional games, but boys love to pull out the jealousy card if they aren’t getting what they want from you. A boy who likes you has one goal: to see if you like him back. Since boys are pretty territorial with things and people, in his mind the best way to see if you like him is to make you jealous. If you get mad that he’s with another girl, he wins. If you don’t, he still wins because he’s with another girl.

7. He texts you but doesn’t talk to you.

DMs and text messages have provided a shield for shy guys to hide behind. Some boys take this a step further by having two separate relationships with you – one online and one in person. If he’s brave and flirty through his texts but seems to be scared of you in person, he definitely likes you.

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I’ve got to be honest, dealing with a boy who likes you can be a bit annoying. Unless you’re on the same maturity level as he is – which happens, depending on age – you may find his displays of affection to be slightly immature. Whether you click with them or not, it’s always nice to know someone likes you. So there you have it 7 signs on how to know if a boy likes you.

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