How to Talk to Your Crush

In movies, talking to your crush is like taking an exam. Your mind could go blank or get clouded or you remember everything and ace it in a jiff. Which conversation will you have? With the help of this video, I’m hoping you learn how to talk to your crush and ace the convo like the smartest kid in class. Use these 10 techniques to lessen your nerves, increase your confidence, and speak to your crush with an awesome flow of conversation. You can do it!

1. Be curious.

This one shouldn’t be hard, as I’m sure you’re already super intrigued by your crush and want to know absolutely everything about them! During the conversation, show interest by asking them questions about their hobbies, family, interests, or anything else that seems to grab their attention. If you feel like the conversation is going well, you could even ask if they have upcoming weekend plans to try and feel out if they’d be interested in hanging out with you.

Check out: How to talk to your crush, instantly!

2. Talk as if you are already friends.

Imagine a conversation you recently had with your best friend. I’m sure it flowed naturally, you guys laughed, and the back and forth happened with ease. Try copying those vibes when you talk to new people, including your crush. Imagine that you’re talking to a friend. If you feel stuck, think, “what would I talk about with my best friend?” This practice can make an amazing and relaxing conversation starter, but it will take some mental strength and imagination.

3. Talk as if you’ll never see them again.

If imagining them as a friend is too intimidating, try imagining your crush as someone that doesn’t matter. If you approach them with the mindset that you will never see them again, you’ll feel less pressure. For example, if you stutter or there’s a conversational pause, just think, “Well, it doesn’t matter because I’ll never see this person again.” After all, always remember that the worst thing that can happen is that you don’t speak anymore and find a new crush. There are plenty of options out there, trust me. The ease this mindset brings will make the conversation light-hearted and fun, and it can even ensure that you will, in fact, talk to your crush once again.

4. Ask for their help.

Asking your crush for help is a great way to kill two birds with one stone. Need help with math homework and your crush is a math genius? Not sure where the nearest grocery store is? Ask your local crush. You could even ask them for some pointers on different things. Questions are natural conversation-starters, your crush will feel proud to help you, and you can segue into other conversations after you express your gratitude.

Check out: 10 Things to talk about with a girl

5. Put your best foot forward.

When you approach your crush, you will ideally look and feel your best. Looks aren’t everything, but when you are put together you will feel better and your crush will innately pick up on that. Not only that, but if you feel like the best version of yourself, you’ll have a surplus of confidence to make everything move along more smoothly. Definitely avoid approaching your crush for the first time if you are in a sour mood or didn’t get enough sleep the night before. You should aim to flirt with your crush when you are feeling happy, spunky, and can truly be yourself.

6. Exude confidence.

Confidence comes from within if and only when you truly love yourself. This can be hard to master, but you can always fake it ‘till you make it. The more you feign confidence, the more likely you are to inhabit it. Since confidence comes from self-appreciation, make sure you do things that you love. If you aren’t feeling very confident, start going on afternoon walks and begin to appreciate your surroundings, practice yoga to take care of your body, meditate to heal your mind, and try breathing exercises to calm pressure and anxiety. After a few days, you will begin to feel stronger. Walk with this inner strength, holding your head high and your shoulders back. Get dressed up and relax. You got this!

7. Use social media.

If you’ve already made the first move to talk to your crush, add them on social media. Even if you haven’t spoken but have mutual followers, you can still try to add them. Once you’re approved, be on the lookout for their stories or posts. Give your crush a heart or a like and slide into their DMs or comments. This way you can easily talk to them without face-to-face pressure. Sending funny memes or videos will be easy, but make sure to not go overboard and actually have a conversation. This way you can still connect and hopefully, it’ll make it easier for you to connect in person.

8. Connect through a friend.

If you have a mutual friend with your crush, ask the friend to introduce you two. This is hands-down the best way to meet your crush. It makes the introduction natural, creates common ground, and takes the pressure off. Plus, afterward, you can ask your friend more about your crush and get the inside scoop.

9. Compliment them.

Everyone loves to be complimented. If you are in the midst of a conversation with your crush, throw in a quick compliment, like, “Wow, you are really fun to talk to” or “You have such a pretty smile.” You could also use this as an icebreaker to start the conversation, but choose your compliment wisely. Calling them beautiful or handsome from the get-go might come on too strong, so I suggest something light, like complimenting their smile, eyes, or style.

Check out: How to talk to a girl you like

10. Use positive body language.

People innately pick up on body language, so use this to your advantage around your crush. When you’re with them, make sure you have a stance with arms open – not folded – and face your feet and body towards them. To come off as flirty, make sure to smile, make direct eye contact, nod your head when you’re listening, and laugh when it’s appropriate. People don’t want to talk to people who are frowning or defensive.


Talking to your crush doesn’t have to be intimidating. At the end of the day, they could just be another person with insecurities, doubts, and issues just like the rest of us. Practice is key here. I could only help you so far with these pointers, but it’s up to you to take action and implement them when talking to your crush or to anyone. Anyway, hope this helps. If you have any strategies and tips you would like to share, feel free to let me know.

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