Office Supplies List

1. File cabinet:

There are two types of people in the world: filers and pilers. Here’s a helpful tip; Filers make it further than pilers. A file cabinet will help you and your office space go further in terms of organization, productivity and efficiency. No more scrambling to find that document. It’s exactly where it should be – in the file cabinet.

2. Label maker:

Filing your papers is one step, but knowing what each file holds is another. A label maker is useful not only in organizing paperwork, but labeling any sort of container, drawer, or folder to ensure no time is wasted scavenging through your belongings when you need to find something.

3. Calendar:

A large wall or desk calendar is a must to keep all dates within view. You can’t be scrolling through your online or physical agenda when you’re on an important call, so a calendar should be in plain sight.

4. Bulletin board:

Running an office requires you to set priorities. A bulletin board is where you can post and keep track of important notices for yourself, and all office members, to see. Out of sight, out of mind, so be sure to keep your important notes in mind and on a bulletin board.

5. Agenda/planner:

If you are always on the go, this item is a must-have. Keep track of all your deadlines, to-do lists, and holidays in one convenient spot. Time is money, so you can’t afford to be late. Stay on top of your schedule with a professional planner or agenda.

6. Printer:

Electronic documents are more common than ever, but official documents are still the kingdom of the printed. An office is not official without paper documents, so an office is not complete without a printer.

7. Wireless router:

We live in an age of being on the move, and our Wi-Fi needs to be on the move with us. Investing in a stable, wireless router is a need that almost goes without saying. Without it, those emails, sales, and teleconferences will be barely-there instead of high-speed and present.

8. Paper shredder:

Important documents are for filing, and expired documents are for shredding. Privacy policies and liability issues can only be respected if you have this device to properly get rid of the paper waste in your space.

9. Scanner:

While there are many scanning apps to choose from, none meet the standards of a physical scanner. High-end documents should be shared in high-end quality, which a standard scanner ensures.

10. Phone system:

A cord-and-all phone system is a great way to ensure that you and your colleagues can communicate clearly and without obstruction. This closed system allows for in-office connections which avoid potential hacking, not to mention there is no issues of low batteries to be seen.

11. Swivel chair:

The average office worker sits for 10 hours a day, 8 of which are in their actual office space. That is over 150 hours a month! Your back, bones and body will thank you for choosing a dynamic and comforting swivel chair.

12. Custom stamp:

Your office represents an entity, whether it be yourself or an organization. Give it the officiality it deserves by ordering a custom stamp with your name or address on it for important correspondence.

13. Notary stamp and journal:

While a basic stamp and signature may suffice for some documents, the legalization process goes a bit further. If you or someone in your office is a certified notary, ensure that you have the proper equipment to issue notarized documents, such as the notary stamp and notary journal for recordkeeping.

14. Recyclable containers:

The typical wastepaper basket is commonplace in almost any room, office or not, but an official office should be conscious of its greater impact on the community and world. Separate your waste into their respective groups by always having paper, plastic, and organic bins available.

15. Desk:

Even if you spend all day running around in office, eventually you will need to sit down and organize yourself digitally or on paper. Do so at an appropriate space. You wouldn’t eat in a bathtub, so why would you work on a kitchen table? You need a desk.

16. Ethernet cable:

To the contrary of the wireless router, an ethernet cable is a stow-away must to keep in case of emergencies. Wi-Fi signals are not always as reliable as we would like, and you can’t risk disappearing during the annual review Skype meeting next week. Keep a spare Ethernet cable, just as you keep a spare flat tire.

17. Files/Folders:

Paperclips will only take you so far. Without folders, all you have is a clutter of papers. With files and folders, though, you now have a systematic display of your work.

18. Computer:

It goes without saying that a computer, laptop, or tablet is essential in any office. The ease of inputting information, high productivity, and easy storage options far outweigh the possibilities of keeping records by hand. Without a computer, you are working in the stone age.

19. External storage device:

You insure your car because you would want it fixed if something unfortunate happened to it. You should do the same with information that is keeping your office afloat. No information, no office. Always have an external storage device to back-up your data.

20. Envelopes:

While it might not be a daily occurrence, you will encounter a moment where you need to mail something or hand a document to someone in an official manner. Keep spare envelopes of various sizes in your supply closet, so you don’t have to take your lunch hour to buy them when you find you’re unprepared.

21. Scissors:

Whether it be for opening a package, cutting that pesky string off of your sleeve, or fixing a particular situation in your office, a pair of scissors are a must.

22. Desk organizer:

Pens, highlighters, paperclips, pins, post-its, papers, and more. Do you expect to have all of this squished into one drawer somewhere? Only if you’re underaged. Get yourself a desk organizer.

23. Water cooler:

It’s recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. If you’re awake for 16 hours and work for 8, that means you should be having at least 4 of those glasses of water in your office. Stay hydrated, stay healthy, stay productive.

24. First-aid kit:

Small cuts, scrapes, and bumps can happen anywhere, and they’re also likely in an office when you’re surrounded by corners and objects at every turn. Be prepared for any unfortunate event with a small first-aid kit.

25. Whiteboard:

This is a great tool to list things that must be updated on a rolling basis. It’s easily displayed, easily modified, and easy on the eyes to visualize what needs to be done.

26. Notebook:

Whether for personal use or to share with a guest for note-taking, a standard notebook is necessary for what its name entails… notes. When your electronic items are not on hand or an important thought flashes through your mind, you’ll need a place to jot it down.

27. Calculator:

If you’re in a meeting, especially one around budgets, you will need a professional calculator at your fingertips. You’ll want a calculator with all of the amenities, AKA buttons, to help you cut to the chase, especially if you’re in front of financial staff

28. Post-it notes:

Quick note? Post-it. Little reminder? Post-it. Short message? Post-it.

29. Highlighters:

Ease your clients’ and colleagues’ eyes by highlighting the points of the paperwork in front of them. With this essential item, they won’t even have to ask you where to sign.

30. Permanent markers:

Don’t let all of your hard work get smudged or lost in transition. Clear, long-lasting messages need clear, long-lasting delivery systems. That is what you need and get with a set of reliable permanent markers.

31. Shipping supplies:

Basic boxes, shipping tape, and bubble wrap are included in this item. Be prepared to send and/or return anything necessary.

32. Projector:

Presentations are only presentations if everyone can see them. Make sure your office has the ability to get your messages across clearly and visually with an office projector.

Hope you were able to gather some idea on this office supplies list so you’ll get a better idea of what you’ll need. If you want to check out more business-related ideas. Check out our business section.

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