Older Guys Always Miss These Signs a Younger Lady Likes Them

If you’re a silver fox trying to figure out a young lady, there are some cues that older men tend to miss when it comes to younger women. Before jumping into it, it’s important to say that an “older man” doesn’t have to mean someone over 60 – it could be any age difference from 5 years and on. We’re going to dive into 7 things younger women tend to do when they’re into an older man, and how older guys always miss these signs a younger lady likes them.

1. She says she wants someone stable.

If your younger lady talks about wanting more stability in her life, this points to her interest in being with an older man. This becomes even more true if she’s under the age of 35. Stability means different things to different people – I know for me, it means being economically and emotionally stable, including – the expensive cherry on top – owning your own home. Does this mean I’ve never dated a man I consider stable? Looking at this criteria, maybe… but that’s a topic for another day.

While your definition of stability might be different, most people would agree that having a job and a roof over your head is definitely part of the criteria. In the U.S., the average first-time homebuyer is 33 years old, meaning most men who fit this general idea of “stable” won’t be in their 20’s or even early 30’s. More time under your belt means more possibility of financial and emotional growth, so this girl is telling you she’s open and into dating someone older.

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2. She says guys her age are immature.

An open complaint about “guys my age” or “young guys” lets this girl openly broadcast that she doesn’t want to date within her age group. Who does this leave? Guys in your age group of course! This is the green light that means she wouldn’t mind if you asked her out. Of course, this would only work if you are emotionally mature yourself. Just because you’re over 30, 40, or even 50 doesn’t automatically mean you have a high emotional I.Q. I personally know quite a few men nearing 40 who act like 7-year-old kids when they don’t like a situation that they’re in. To meet her criteria, you’ll need to demonstrate things like managing difficult situations calmly, having strong and healthy relationships, and communicating effectively – even during disagreements.

3. She introduces you to her friends without reservation.

Some older men may be wary of younger ladies because of their assets. I’m sure we’ve all heard the term “gold-digger” and, if you haven’t, it describes a person who goes after someone – usually an older guy – for their money. Most gold-digging women gold-dig in secret or with other gold-digging friends. A great clue that she likes you for you is if she openly introduces you to her friends without fear of judgment and if her friends come from different walks of life and relationships. If you feel that these are her real, long-term friends and she is comfortable spending time with them and you together, she definitely likes you!

4. She wants to learn from you.

A younger lady who is into you may show excitement and interest when you teach her something new. Since we’ll assume you have more world experience from your slightly longer time on earth, you have some stuff to teach younger people – her included. You may hear her ask you for advice or general information about something new to her. This investment in your knowledge proves she likes you and all you have to offer, especially your intelligence.

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5. She doesn’t care about your age difference.

Sometimes a younger gal will start to flirt with an older dude and make jokes about their age difference. This happened to one of my friends – let’s call her Amy – who started hanging out with a guy 15 years older than her. If the guy referenced something from before her time, she’d blush and say something like “Well that really dates you,” or “OK, old man!” She’d laugh afterward, but we all knew she was uncomfortable with the difference, and, surprise, surprise, they didn’t last. A lady who doesn’t say things like that, though, and who embraces the differences, is sure to like you instead.

6. She relates to you.

Even through the decades, if you truly like someone you will find things you can relate to. At the end of the day, we are all human, and certain situations are repeated throughout generations. Another one of my friends, quite different from Amy, loves dating older guys because she just clicks more with older lifestyles. She’s over the party scene and she’s really into investing and maintaining her home, so I wasn’t surprised when she started dating a guy in his mid-40s. They just clicked. If this happens between you and a younger woman, think of the phrase “If you can relate, you can date.”

7. She wants to be involved in your life.

This sign is both cute and impressive. A younger lady who wants to be involved in your life is going to find her way in the door. Whether it’s an interest she has no idea about or finding common ground between your hobbies, she’ll make the effort to be involved in your life. This means learning more about you and embracing it. I personally haven’t dated anyone more than 5 years my senior, but even then, I remember going to a concert with him to see a group I had never heard of that he used to love in high school when I was a measly 6th-grade middle schooler. Let me quickly clarify that I dated him in my 20s, not when I was in 6th grade. The point is, if she likes you, she’ll be involved.

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Alright Mr. Mature, so what’s the verdict? Does she like you or is she just into the idea of dating an older guy? Let me know in the comments! So there you have it 7 reasons why older guys always miss these signs a younger lady likes them.

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