Signs Your Marriage Is Over Quiz

Signs Your Marriage Is Over Quiz

You were having a great marriage life and all of a sudden, it is not as perfect anymore. You find that there are so many differences between you two, or the sparks are not there anymore. But is it the right time or is it too soon to let go of what you are having with “the love of your life”? Take this 25-Question “Signs Your Marriage Is Over Quiz” to find out! No login or email required.

Based on your personal experience, choose the answer that best indicates the degree to which you agree/ disagree with the following statements.

1. You keep secrets from your spouse.

2. You do not feel that you should respect your spouse anymore.

3. You do not feel the emotional connection between you and your partner.

4. Your partner is unreasonable and it is hard to communicate with them.

5. You care more about people’s opinions than your own.

6. Neither parties want to compromise during an argument.

7. When you think of your spouse, there is only negative memories associated with him/her.

8. You spend a lot of time playing a scenario what if you get divorced in your head.

9. It is extremely hard for you to forgive your spouse for their mistakes.

10. You find your spouse’s flaws unbearable.

11. You get anxious when you're with your spouse.

12. You feel relieved when your spouse is out of town or is away for work.

13. You do not feel the sparks of emotional attachment when your spouse is around.

14. You refuse to seek professional help, such as couple/ marriage therapy.

15. You are not invested in fixing the problems between you and your spouse.

16. You fantasize about having an affair.

17. When you imagine your spouse being with another person, you do not feel hurt.

18. You do not see your spouse in your future.

19. You constantly compare your spouse to other people.

20. You feel that you are taken for granted by your spouse.

21. You often daydream about being single again.

22. You do not want to explain yourself to your spouse.

23. You make financial decisions without consulting or informing your spouse.

24. You feel drained/ exhausted when talking to your spouse.

25. You and your spouse do not have sex anymore.

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