The Art of Being Single

Being single is not just a choice, a lifestyle, or an era in your life… being single is an art. Can you be single, in a wrong way? Absolutely. We see this all the time in single people who are basically miserable and feel that they need to be in a relationship in order to be fulfilled. This is not the type of single person you want to be. There are some elements you might want to know in order to be successfully single. Once you complete these tasks, you’ll possess the skills and habits which will benefit your whole future, even if you get into a relationship later on! So, let’s talk about these 5 elements so that you, too, can conquer the art of being single.

1. Truly enjoy some “me” time.

A lot of us think that we enjoy time to ourselves, but a lot of us don’t do it right. While there isn’t just one way to enjoy alone-time, it should include the component of personal growth. Watching funny Tik Tok’s and binging on Netflix is great, don’t get me wrong, but it isn’t exactly a way to enjoy the space you have as a single person. When you’re in a relationship, you’re still going to find the time to watch those things, so while you’re single, you should really attempt to try out other, deeper interests you have had in the back of your mind. Go full-in on that hobby you never had time to commit to, or start a new one altogether. Have some meals in solitude, off of your phone and TV, and just think about whatever comes to mind. Jot down your thoughts on a piece of paper. Realize how you’re feeling, both emotionally and physically, and start keeping track of what makes you feel that way. Being single is an awesome time to get to know yourself, inside and out, in ways you are often too busy to notice. That’s one element of the art of being single.

2. Grow your social network.

Since you don’t need to rush home to give your attention to a partner, take a few extra minutes out of your day to talk to more people in the outside world. Ask your friendly coworker about their life, make some small-talk with the front-desk person you see every time you enter a building or call an old friend to catch up. It’s natural to go out less once you’re in a relationship, so now is truly the time to expand your web of connections, from the fun friends to the formal ones. These are connections you can maintain throughout your future, so build them up now while you have the time and energy!

Check out: How to make new friends

3. Be present when you’re with friends.

You aren’t really having alone-time if you’re using it to be glued to your phone, right? Well, this lesson carries over for when you’re out and about with all of those old and new friends. Of course, I expect you’re a little more polite and not stay on social media the whole time you’re out with friends. What I am getting at, though, is another distraction: looking for ways to be un-single while you’re doing single things. Do NOT look for potential dates when you are out with friends enjoying your single time! Of course, you can flirt and have fun when someone approaches you, but it’s so important to be in the moment and enjoy the time you’re spending with friends in cool places. You probably won’t remember the person you smile to from across the room, but you will remember how much fun you had with your friends that night as you laughed until your stomach hurts. Stay in the moment, and make those memories good.

4. Think about what you want for your future.

Now is the prime time to be selfish, because you don’t have anyone to make decisions around. Your decisions are only yours, and you don’t have a partner to influence you. Do you know how awesome that is? It’s complete, guiltless freedom! Use it wisely and think through what you want for your future. What are things that are non-negotiable, and your other lighter, personal goals? Having this clearly thought out will allow your future partner, if it happens, to know your deal straight from the start, which avoids issues down the line.

Check out: How to get my life together

5. Treat yourself like your own boo!

Who says you need a boyfriend or girlfriend to be loved? No one. Think about some of the parts of a relationship that you can replicate yourself. Do you need a significant other to go out to nice dinners with? Nope, you go with any friend, or even dine out solo! Do you need a significant other to buy you gifts? N-to-the-O, you are an independent person who can buy your own treats. AND, as a plus, you’ll always choose something you like so you’ll never have to fake liking a gift you’ll never use! Be your own boo and treat yourself well.

Check out: Why it’s great to be single


Overall, if you can dominate these 5 elements, then I congratulate you for being more independent than most people. There is nothing wrong with wanting a relationship. In fact, it’s healthy to want one! The key difference is to know that you are you with or without a relationship. Be true to yourself and use this single time like no other. After all, it is probably not forever, and, believe it or not, one day you’re going to look back on these days with a bit of envy and you’ll be saying, “I wish I did that.” So there you have it 5 elements about the art of being single.

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