What Is an INFP Personality Like?

Have you ever wondered why you click with some people and can’t stand others? Join the club! If so, you may have heard about the Myers-Briggs 16 personalities. This widely-recognized personality assessment has classified most human beings into just 16 different personality categories, and the INFP personality is one of the rarest! Standing for introverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving, INFPs are known for their deep empathy, creativity, idealism, and authenticity. We all know what those words mean, but how does this show in everyday life? What is an INFP personality like in the real world?

Well, INFPs are like rocks. On the outside, they may seem normal, basic, and typical. Once cracked open – metaphorically, of course! – they are full of shiny, mesmerizing, colorful crystals.

They appear to be quiet and unassuming. A wallflower, perhaps, or someone who blends into the background as opposed to standing out. While they may seem this way out the outside, the inside is a whole other story. They’re bursting at the seams with creativity and imagination, which is easily discovered once you get to know them.

INFPs are prone to daydreaming, pondering hypothetical situations and conversations, and diving into their deepest feelings. Known for their sensitivity, they express deep emotional connections and responses to things like art, music, nature, and the people closest to them.
A wallflower at first and a blast of rainbow colorfulness later – do you notice a clash here? This will give any INFP a deep desire for creative self-expression. You may notice that their hobbies, studies, or jobs allow them to express themselves through writing, acting, or creating – if they are doing or studying something they enjoy, that is.

All of this creativity sounds like a blessing, doesn’t it? But every sunny day has its cloud, and the INFP’s cloud is that this creativity sometimes leaves them stuck in an imaginary world instead of taking action in the real world. It’s easy to fantasize and daydream for this type of personality, but sometimes those dreams are too big to break down into actionable steps. That’s when you may see an INFP frustrated, unfulfilled, or feeling like they aren’t enough or capable of what they want to do.

In fact, this leads many INFPs to feel stuck at work. Imagine having so much creativity and a passion for soulful interactions only to be stuck in a five-by-five cubicle typing away all day except for the 30-minute break where you talk about how much work stinks by the water cooler. Talk about totally suffocating any enthusiasm.

Luckily, if you work with these types of personalities, you won’t have to worry that they will take out their work frustrations on you or other colleagues. Mediators – or INFPs – give credit where credit is due and help out where it’s needed, so their presence will either neutralize or uplift your office vibes. Thank goodness; we all know that we don’t need any more negative Nancys around the office – am I right or am I right?

In addition to their positive presence, you may also benefit from having an INFP on your team if you’re working on a difficult project or scenario that requires a creative solution. This is where the Mediator can get their imaginative juices flowing and show their potential for thinking outside of the box.

Whoosh! Did you hear that? The winds have shifted because we’ve gone from having too much creativity to utilizing it to the best of the mediator’s ability – and that’s something they relish. The same shift occurs in the INFP’s relationships. If you’re lucky enough to have a rare INFP as a best friend, you’ll notice how soulful your relationship is. INFPs are helpful in nature, so they will strive to create meaningful connections where openness and helpfulness are key.

With so much imagination and emotion, an INFP personality is naturally curious about their environment – especially about the people around them. This makes them excellent listeners. They aren’t going to sit around and judge you or hear your secrets then spread them around the gossip neighborhood. No, no; this person will be compassionate, nonjudgmental, and extremely empathetic. If you need a listening ear or someone to make you feel better about a bad situation, an INFP is your guy (or girl).

If you’re into an INFP romantically, then you’re also lucky enough to have a passionate partner in your midst. Mediators tend to give their whole hearts and then some to their lucky lady or guy, even if they’re soft-spoken while doing so. They may even stick out not-so-great romantic situations because they’re idealistic and strive to follow their inner purpose and conscience to leave the world better than they found it.

INFPs are unique, which may leave them feeling isolated at times. Don’t be surprised if this makes them come off as standoffish or too reserved when you first get to know them. Once you break through the shell, though, you’ll learn more about what makes them tick as you become close confidants and friends. While anyone can become friends, the closest relationships for a mediator will be with INFJ, ESFJ, and ENFJ personality types, so keep an eye out if that’s you!

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