When A Guy Ignores You But Likes You

When A Guy Ignores You But Likes You

Okay so when a guy ignores you but likes you. I’ve always thought about this. How do you know he actually likes you? The only legit way to know if he likes you is that if you guys get along together and he actually tells you he likes you, directly. Sometimes you can’t even trust your friends because they could be trolling you and then you’ll be put on the spot where you think he likes you but it’s totally the opposite. Yeah… you could blame it on your hormones because all you ever wanted was just him. Also, that first rejection will hurt, that is if you have a heart. And what I’m about to tell you is just speculation by the way, it’s just to help you out. Here are 10 signs when a guy ignores you but likes you.

1. He thinks you are too good for him

Sometimes guys can be intimidated by girls. If you’re a popular cheerleader, his best bet is to just turn the other way when he sees you so he doesn’t make a fool out of himself. If you came from a privileged background, and he’s not, his best bet is to just say hi and continue eating his homemade sandwich. Need I say more? Now I know that you probably don’t care about his background or his past and you like him for him but he doesn’t know that. So, communicate that to him. He’s like a little fetus, young and vulnerable. Sometimes scared too.

2. He likes you as a friend

He might have showed some positive signs that he’s interested but he could just be a super friendly and nice guy in general. Aww there, there. Don’t cry, now. Here, let me give you a virtual hug. Huge your screen so you could feel the warmth of your device. I’m there, but probably like thousands of miles away. And if you’re in California. Haha I’m here too.

3. It’s moving too fast

The relationship or whatever thing you guys both have going on is going too fast. It could be that you guys just met each other yesterday or you guys are already dating and it seems like you guys just jumped into a rocket ship trying to travel to Mars. It could also be that he’s not ready to fully invest his time in you or give you the commitment that you want, just yet. But obviously communication is key and it’s unfair to have one party just waiting for the other to be on the same page. Then again, it’s whatever you want.

4. He might be busy

Honestly, nowadays there’s a lot to do. Sports, school, work, video games, and if he’s a good boy, he could be doing chores. There is a chance that he is ignoring you because he is actually busy doing something else. I know, you should be his priority but when mother calls, he has to go. The chores don’t do itself. That could just be one sign when a guy ignores you but likes you.

5. He needs some space

Sometimes a guy can’t handle someone 24/7. He needs to have his own life and go out and hang out with his friends or do things that he likes to do. That’s what makes him unique and the reason why you like him in the first place, I hope. Or perhaps he’s an introvert and needs time alone and recharge after a long day of binge-watching movies.

6. He’s a shy guy

If you’ve watched my other videos about shy guys, you’ll know what I’m talking about. There are times where I’m super shy to girls that I like. And do you want to know the reason why? … Okay fine I’ll tell you. It’s because I don’t want to mess up. Plus, I don’t know what to say. If I don’t say anything or do anything, there’s no way I’m going to mess up, right? She’ll think I’m still pretty cool. But in reality, I’m not. I’m pretty lame and I didn’t do much as a kid. Soooo yeah.

7. He’s probably jealous

If you have been spending a lot of time with other cute or hot guys at work or school or elsewhere, he’s probably jealous. He feels kind of threaten by them. Since the relationship or whatever thing you guys have going on isn’t that strong to begin with, it’s natural to feel that way. But once you get older and married, that level of insecurity is lowered but I’m not saying people can’t cheat.

8. He’s a player

Okay here’s my revised version of this, “don’t hate the game, hate the player.” Players gonna play, cheaters gonna cheat. He could be talking to 23 different girls or guys. At the end of the day, it’s just a number to him. You’re just so happen to be caught up with him. With so many people he could talk to, you could get lost in his contact list and end up in the bottom of the barrel. So, if you realize he’s a player, my best advice is to drop him like how your professor will one day drop your overall grade from an A to a C. I’m still salty about that.

9. Perhaps he’s not that interested

But for reals though. Have you ever thought about it? He could like you but does he like, like, you? He could like you and also 18 other people too. Just trying to maximize his options. Or he’s just trying to ghost you so he doesn’t have to deal with it. Then you won’t get hurt as much by actually rejecting you. So, his reason for ignoring you could just mean he wants to simply stop whatever thing you guys have going on and hope you will catch on. I know that’s pretty lame of him, but you don’t need him in your life anyways. I probably respond faster to you on my comment section than he does.

10. He’s playing it cool

Sometimes guys like to strategize things. Does he play hard to get or the 3-day rule of not texting once getting the number? Yeah, I don’t think that’s viable by the way. Sometimes they like to play it cool because they don’t want to come out too strong and have it backfired. Rejections hurt. So, you know how it goes. Slow and steady will win the race. Well, at least that’s what he thinks. There you have it, 10 signs when a guy ignores you but likes you.

My Story:

So, I hope this helps and you got some insight of why he’s ignoring you. And before I leave here’s a quick story. So, when I was in sixth grade, I had this huge crush on this girl. She was beautiful, smart, helpful, nice, and she got along with everyone. She was pretty popular too. We had this toga event and I needed a partner. I was naïve back then, and there was no way in the red-hot flaming universe that she’ll go out to this event with me if I asked her. But I still wanted to ask her out. So, to soften the blow in case of a rejection, I decided to write it on a piece of paper and give it to her. If I remember correctly, it went something like this. “Dear Miss Boyles, my favorite tutor. Would you like to be my partner for this toga event on Friday? Toga-ther we will win all the events. Love Ben.” Yeah…she was my tutor and the TA for our class and she was like 10 years older than me. You might be thinking. (Dammmm Ben you’re into cougars, huh?) Okay let me defend myself real quick. I was in sixth grade at that time and she was pretty cool, okay. Plus, I kinda wanted to win the events and I had a feeling that she’s probably more fit and stronger than the other kids in my class. So, I was like why not give it a shot. But then it turned out that Tutors can’t participate so I kinda got rejected. So basically, I took the L in all of the events but it’s okay I got chocolate chip mint ice cream at the end. Sometimes losers still win.

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2 thoughts on “When A Guy Ignores You But Likes You”

  1. Getrude mutemi

    Hai thanks for the above views but have got a question.How can you advise for the guy who say he likes you and he don’t call or text to know how you are doing unless you do for something like 7 days

    1. True Medallion

      Hi Getrude! He might be shy still. Perhaps hang out more and talk to him more. Once a person feels more comfortable around you, they won’t be shy around you. Unless he’s playing with your feelings.

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