Why You Can’t Stop Thinking About Her

Why You Can’t Stop Thinking About Her

Have you ever heard the saying, “Men are from Mars, and women are from Venus”? This isn’t just an expression to compare women to the goddess of love and men to a dusty rock. There’s no way around it — girls and guys are simply different. They infiltrate our lives in different ways and get stuck in our minds for different reasons. If you’re watching this right now, it seems like you have a certain someone running laps around your own mind. Maybe thinking of this special girl 24/7 has you walking around full of butterflies. Or maybe you wake up every morning still thinking of her and yelling “WHY?!”. Whatever the case may be, there are a few possible reasons as to why you can’t stop thinking about her. Once you figure out which one it is, you might finally stop yelling and drive yourself crazy. So here are 10 plausible reasons why.

1. She plays hard to get.

There’s a reason that people love sports. The yelling, the intensity, the excitement. Sometimes we pay a lot of money just to get a seat to watch. The reason why we love sports is because people love competition. It’s a part of human nature, and it’s been a part of almost every species on earth throughout history. The same, strangely enough, happens when we are single and mingling. If you have your eye on a girl who is playing hard to get, she is presenting you with a challenge that parallels competition. This has turned into a goal, a game of some sort, and your mind is fixated on winning. You can’t stand the thought of losing her to another guy, not because she’s the love of your life, but because you simply cannot stand the thought of losing. No one likes being the loser. Your focus on the competition has jumped her to the front of your thought process, making it impossible to stop thinking about her until you either give in or win.

Check out: How to tell if a girl is playing with your emotions

2. She sparks your curiosity.

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but living a predictable life will kill you even faster. Sometimes when things are predictable, it’s lame. We all know what our daily breakfast options are and what we typically do from 9 to 5 on a Tuesday. Boring. When you meet a girl that brings excitement to your life, your mind can’t help but run circles around her. She’s labeled as something new, and that’s something your brain wants to dissect and learn from. This girl might expose you to new situations, bring you to new events, or expand your thoughts with her out-of-the-box thinking. Maybe she’s someone that you would usually never go for, but there’s some chemistry there and you are just dying to see where it goes. All of these types of curiosity open the door for your imagination to run wild. You’ve got to stick with her to see what happens, and by doing so she involuntarily will stick to your mind.

3. You want her to be happy.

Another reason you might not be able to get her out of your head is because you care about her way more than you care about yourself. Sometimes this can be found in a friendship, especially if you play the part and act like a big brother to her, but more often than not it is also wrapped up in a bit of the L-word. (You know… “love”). Whether you’re protective or emotional, wanting to see this girl happy can consume your thoughts day in and day out. You believe that she deserves the best of the best, and you’re going to worry if she doesn’t get it. Unfortunately, in our crazy lives, sometimes things don’t work out the way we plan, and you will be more alert if you find out that she’s struggling in some area. This might cause your thoughts to go wild, and they won’t tone down until she tells you that she’s absolutely fine herself. You’ve got to ask yourself this, are you only thinking this because you believe she will be happy with you, or is it that you really care for her? Whatever the reason, sometimes it’s best to accept that her happiness is not your responsibility, yet.

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4. She’s unpredictable.

When you experience a situation that you’ve never encountered before, your brain will be hyper-focus on it. If this new situation is a girl who you just can’t predict, your mind will be going wild trying to figure out what her next move is. It’s kind of like a game of chess, except there are even more possibilities. Maybe she is someone you just can’t figure out, or perhaps she is known for changing her mind more than she changes clothes. Your mind is going to go crazy trying to plan for whatever is up her sleeve next because it wants you to be prepared. The rough part is, you can never really expect the unexpected. It’s a great saying, but it is just not possible. Your best bet is to try and calm your thoughts down into the two most possible outcomes. That way, you don’t overwhelm yourself or cause anxiety, and maybe you can think of her less as a threat and more as a part of your life.

5. She doesn’t let you stop thinking about her.

Girls are notorious for talking more than guys. While this isn’t the case 100% of the time, I think we can all agree that generally, they are more in tune with how to communicate. Girls are smart. When there’s something they want, they know how to come up with a plan of action to get it. Let’s consider that the reason you haven’t stopped thinking about her, is because she doesn’t want you to stop thinking about her. Maybe she’s constantly messaging you or tagging you in different posts. She might even be intertwined with your friends or family, so you see her even if you two hadn’t planned it. Did she bake you the most delicious chocolate chip cookies you’ve ever had in your life? Now you can’t even eat a cookie without thinking about her. This isn’t all a coincidence – this girl might have had her own reasons for wanting to be on your mind. Could it be that you are also on her mind as well?

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6. Your best memories are with her.

If I asked you to tell me about some of the best times you’ve had in the past few years, I’m sure you could come up with a few specific memories on the spot. Life is good when you have great memories to show for it. If your best, and most recent, joyful memories include this girl, it’s going to be nearly impossible to separate her from those good times in your memory. A good question to ask would be if this memory would have been just as good without her. Did you have an amazing time that weekend because of her company? Or was it just an overall good time with friends, and she only happened to be there? If she’s one of the reasons that this memory is so great, then it’s normal for your mind to start thinking of her afterward. If she didn’t really add to the experience, you would find it a lot easier to forget she was even there.

7. You could picture your future with her.

Whether you’re a planner or not, we are always thinking about our futures. Maybe it’s just in smaller moments, like thinking about what you’re going to have for dessert later. Or, maybe you’re the Type-A kind of person who knows their schedule three weeks out and carries an agenda. Whoever you are, we all tend to include the people we like when we play out future scenarios in our minds. For example, if I picture a vacation in the future, I’m going to think about going with the friends I have now. If I am trying to picture a married life, I will also have to pick an imaginary future partner from people I know now. It’s the only option my brain has. If you find yourself imagining a future with her, it might be more than just you daydreaming. Why did you choose her for your future projections? What qualities does she show now, that have you thinking she could be the one a few years down the line? These are some thoughts worth exploring and that’s why you can’t stop thinking about her.

8. She’s attractive, plain, and simple.

Listen, I’ll be honest with you here. I used to be obsessed with Taylor Swift. I never met her, we never dated, and she definitely wasn’t present during my best moments. Why was I obsessed with Taylor Swift? Because she was attractive. I thought she was absolutely the most stunning female on planet earth. I would go crazy when she released her new albums. Anyway, if this girl is the best thing you’ve seen, you probably can’t get her out of your mind because she is just too darn attractive. Beauty doesn’t last forever though, but it sure does capture attention at the start.

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9. She has become one of your priorities.

As your relationship with this girl grows, if you are getting to know each other or even if you’ve started entering the lovey-dovey zone, you two will start to spend more time with each other. As this happens, she may slowly become one of your priorities. This won’t happen overnight, but it can definitely happen much faster than you had anticipated. Suddenly you can’t make plans without considering how she’d be affected, or if she should be a part of your plans. You might arrange your schedule around her without even realizing it. Take note of when you are thinking about her. If it’s all-around your daily activities, she may have just bumped her way up to your number 1 priority. But isn’t that reserved for a girlfriend?

10. She makes you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.

Happiness is the best, isn’t it? No one is going to argue with me on that one, right? We all strive to reach the goals and relationships that improve our lives and make us happier. If this girl makes you feel warm and bubbly on the inside, maybe even growing a few butterflies in your stomach, you don’t need a rocket scientist to figure out why she’s on your mind. Thinking about her reminds you of how she makes you feel. Take it as a reminder to go see her again and experience those feelings in person! Then you’ll probably stop thinking about her or maybe not…

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Overall, do any of the reasons resonate with you? Is she making you overthink so much that you crinkle your forehead more than your grandma? Or, does thinking about her make you smile as if someone is taking your picture? Take some deep breaths and leave a comment below and let me know the reason YOU just can’t get her off of your mind. So there you have it 10 reasons why you can’t stop thinking about her.

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