Why You Should Tell Your Crush You Like Them

You’ve been staring at them with heart eyes for who knows how long. You daydream about dating them. You doodle their name in your notebooks and you stalk their social media like some weirdo. You have a big, fat crush. Hey, there’s nothing wrong with it… except that it’s a secret. Are you tired of holding it in, but too scared to let your feelings out? Today might be the day you get the guts to get free. Here are 8 reasons why you should tell your crush you like them.

1. You’ll finally know how they feel.

You’ve already imagined every possible outcome for when you tell them you like them. You’ve imagined falling in love and getting married, or them laughing at you in response. That means there are no possible surprises, are there? Whether they like you back or let you down easily, at least you’ll finally know how they truly feel. This is an even more liberating feeling if your crush sometimes seems to be into you but at others seems to be just a good friend. It’s time to get clarity on how they feel once and for all.

Check out: How to confess to your crush

2. You’ve got nothing to lose.

If you tell your crush you like them and they are excited about it, that’s awesome! If you tell them you like them and they say “aw,” that isn’t as cool but it also isn’t a big deal. The only thing you can lose in this situation is time and maybe a little bit of ego. If you’re good friends with this person and you’re worried about losing your friendship, you should know that if they are really as great a friend as you think, they won’t let your little crush get in the way of that.

3. It’s great practice.

Telling your crush how you feel is going to help you practice for the real world. Communicating how you’re feeling is essential for healthy romantic relationships, productive work environments, and equally-balanced friend groups. You don’t want to be anyone’s doormat, and you definitely want to be an advocate for your own thoughts and feelings, so use this as a practice run for being open and being yourself with others.

4. They should know.

To some degree, your crush deserves to know how you feel. I mean, you dedicate tons of time to thinking about this person and maybe even talking to them, so why shouldn’t they know they’re such a big part of someone else’s life? Wouldn’t you want to know if someone was crushing on you?

Check out: How to tell someone you like them over text

5. You’ll feel empowered.

Saying how you’re feeling will give you a wave of adrenaline. At first, this might be mixed with fear, but once it’s done, you’re going to feel great about taking that step. It’s almost like diving off a cliff. Terrifying at first, maybe even painful if you do it wrong, but you’re going to feel so glad that you didn’t back out. It might even feel like a burden has been lifted because you don’t have to hide your true feelings anymore.

6. So you can move on.

If your crush doesn’t feel the same way, it’s going to hurt a little bit, but the silver lining is that you can finally move on. I’m not saying it’ll be easy or happen overnight, but you can start to process that the ship has sailed. It might even open up your eyes to consider other options you never realized were there. And – yes – there really are more fish in the sea, I promise.

7. You might spark their interest.

Maybe your crush never considered you as a romantic option. Not because they don’t think you’re cute or cool, but because they figured it wasn’t in the cards for one reason or another. By telling them you like them, your crush might suddenly realize that you’re a 5-star potential partner just waiting to happen. It could be the push out of the friend zone that they have been waiting for.

8. If you don’t shoot your shot, you can’t score!

If you never try, you can never win. Lots of people don’t try because they think this helps them avoid losing. I have some breaking news for you all – if you don’t try, you’ve already lost. You’ve lost the opportunity to grow, have better experiences, and connect with others. Now, on the other hand, you might shoot that shot and score! Your crush says they like you back and now you’ve both begun the beautiful romance you’ve been dreaming of… and it would have never happened without you making that first move!

Related: How to tell a friend you like them (8 Ways)


So, are you convinced yet to tell your crush you like them? I know it isn’t easy, but we’re with you every step of the way. Experience that rush and take the weight of hiding your feelings off of your shoulders. No matter what happens, you have nothing to lose. And if things don’t go the way you’ve dreamed, it ain’t all bad. One of my favorite quotes says this, “You always pass failure on your way to success.” It’s time to take that risk and know that no matter what happens, you’re on your way to success! Shoot that shot and tell us what happens in the comments. So there you have it 8 reasons on why you should tell your crush you like them.

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