10 Problems You Get When You Like Someone

We live in a world that loves love. Anytime someone starts getting feelings for someone else it is romanticized. I mean, that’s why it’s called getting butterflies in your stomach and not mosquitos. While liking someone has its positives, you also dig yourself into a bit of a hole. Your lifestyle, perspective, and plans will shift. At first, you may barely notice, but then, one day, you’ll wake up and say, “Woah. Dude. What happened to me?” If you know the types of problems that could arise beforehand, though, you’ll be better prepared to make sure you stay yourself when you fall for that charming person. So here are the 10 problems you could get when you like someone.

1. You arrange your schedule around them.

When you crush on someone, you want this person to notice not only you but all of the good qualities about you. You display this by spending enough time with the person, and you’ll be much more open to arranging your schedule around them in the beginning. You enjoy hanging out with this person, so it makes sense that you would want to prioritize seeing them… until you realize that you had other priorities which are now sitting abandoned in the dumpster. In the long run, some of those other priorities might be more important than watching yet another Netflix series with your crush, so be wary of how you assign your time.

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2. Every text is hit or miss.

Before you liked someone, you were okay getting a text message here and there. It would probably be one of your good friends, and that conversation could be entertaining. But once you like someone, though, your phone becomes a torture device. Every ding is either a message from your crush, or it isn’t. This means that every ding is either hugely exciting or an even bigger disappointment. Talk about an emotional rollercoaster. This will drain you slowly without you knowing.

3. You overanalyze things.

Once you start to confirm your feelings for someone, you start to lose confidence in everything else. Did they mean what you said? Or did they actually mean something else? Did you do the right thing or the wrong thing? Suddenly, you’ll even be critiquing the way you say hello. And this happens when you start liking someone.

4. You can’t focus on your work.

With all of the thoughts and hypothetical situations running around in your head, it’s not hard to believe that you’ll get distracted from your workload when you like someone. Whether this is in school or work, finding a full fifteen minutes of uninterrupted focus time will be nearly impossible. Your mind will either start trailing off or something will remind you of that person like, “Wow, that stapler really reminds me of her. So curvy, yet so professional… Maybe I should call her…”

5. You get jealous.

Most people will start to feel jealousy when they like someone. We have a way of getting territorial about things that are quote on quote soon to be ours… or things that we wish were ours. Don’t get caught too off guard when you’re suddenly getting upset at that innocent bystander just because they said hello to your crush! It’s a natural feeling but don’t let it get the best of you.

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6. You ditch your friends.

The more butterflies you get, the more you’ll ditch. This is one of the biggest issues that come up when you start to like someone. Suddenly, that person is the apple of your eye. When you start to organize your life around them, you cut other people out as a consequence. So don’t lose focus and remember that friends are important too.

7. Paranoia!

Liking someone means you become more vulnerable, and it’s human nature to defend ourselves against vulnerability. This is where paranoia kicks in. You’ll start thinking things like: Am I being too much? Am I not being enough? Did I say the right or wrong thing? You’ll never be sure of the situation or of your actions when you start to like someone. Don’t get too sucked into it; talking with friends can help this problem and bring you some clarity.

8. You’re glued to your phone.

Another problem you get when you like someone is that you are constantly wanting to communicate with them. And how do we communicate with people nowadays? You guessed it – the phone. If you thought TikTok and Instagram were enough to glue your eyes to the screen before… just wait till you like someone. Constantly texting, talking, and sharing memes or funny videos. You wait until you have a crush and you’ll be doing that often.

9. You’re on an emotional rollercoaster.

The beginning of relationships or connections is always the most intense because everything is new and fresh to your brain. When we like something, the brain connects that with positivity. You get positive feels when you’re talking with or around that person. What happens, then, when you’re away from them, or they disappoint you? The opposite. Your brain basically says “Where is that good feeling? Why is it missing!?” and bursts into tears. Well, your brain doesn’t cry, it’s basically just you.

10. You’re just not you! (at least, at first…)

Whether we admit it or not, when we first start to like someone, we try to be the best version of ourselves, which is great… except that it’s not a genuine version of ourselves. Our emotions get the best of us and we make decisions that we wouldn’t have made a week earlier. It’s important to always take a step back to regroup and recollect. Once you’re feeling more emotionally stable, then evaluate the situation again.

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Overall, every bold move has its risks and liking someone is no different. Before you get too into your feelings, make sure you’re aware of the problems you might get when you like someone. The more you know, the more prepared you can be to avoid falling into these situations. With a little knowledge and effort, you can try your best to avoid these issues and follow your feelings at the same time!

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2 thoughts on “10 Problems You Get When You Like Someone”

  1. Religie

    Thought I would comment and say great theme, did you make it yourself? Looks great!

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