10 Signs the Universe Is Telling You to Make a Move

We all have big plans, goals, or dreams that we want. Some of these are achieved, while others may stay in our dreams. Sometimes, we may feel called to make a move, but we ignore it. This could be about a situation or even a relationship. How do you know if it’s time for you to quote on quote “take action?” What are the signs the universe is telling you to make a move? It might have happened to you multiple times, but you just didn’t get the hint, so here are 10 signs the universe is telling you to make a move so you’ll know in the future.

1. You keep seeing the same message.

Repetition is the biggest sign the universe is trying to tell you something. Let’s say someone had the idea of making the move to New York, but they didn’t think it was the right time. Suddenly, they’re seeing New York everywhere: on billboards, on TV, in their conversation with friends, and in the music they listen to. The repetition could also be related to relationships; these signs could easily remind you of a person. The universe is calling you to make that move, either physical or romantic, and now is your shot!

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2. You get offered unexpected opportunities.

A job offer falls in your lap from an unexpected source. Or, you get a call out of the blue from someone you never expected to hear from again. Opportunities do not come to you at will– many times they appear randomly and shock you! Don’t take them for granted. If there’s a chance for you to take action, grab it by the horns and see where it’ll take you.

3. There’s a sudden shift in your life.

You might face a sudden break or change within an important relationship, work, or living situation. For most people, these changes are unsettling and upsetting. Your reaction here is key. These sudden shifts could be doors closing because other, better, bigger doors are opening somewhere else. Take the opportunity to get out of the box you were living in and explore all of the options out there.

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4. You get an inspirational idea out of nowhere.

You may be walking to the store or sitting on your couch and then– BAM! – this idea pops up in your mind. It might sound crazy at first, or even silly. Maybe it’s an idea to call someone up or to ask your boss for that raise. Whatever it is, don’t throw it to the side. It came from somewhere, and it’s something you should consider and, hopefully, do.

5. The move is reflected in your subconscious.

While psychology has evolved greatly since its beginning, there’s one thing that continues to hold true; no one is totally aware of what’s going on in their subconscious. From unknown desires to fears, our dreams, daydreams, and instant reactions reflect our subconscious. If these areas seem to be saturated with an action you want to take, it might be the universe trying to finally push it into the conscious to get it done.

6. You feel energized just by thinking about the move.

Whether it’s asking someone out or pursuing that dream job you’ve always been too scared to go for, thinking about this move brings you pure energy. You feel motivated and inspired thinking about it, even if you haven’t gone for it yet. It’s time to shoot your shot and finally make the move and you’ll never know what’ll happen. Worst case scenario, nothing happens and you continue on with your life.

7. Other people mention the move.

This move might be an idea you’ve kept under wraps. Then, suddenly, people you know start to mention it or even suggest it to you. Or, you may have shared this idea with others, and they suddenly start to follow up and encourage you to take action. Does it feel like you’re being pushed in that direction? Of course, it’s a sign! Take advantage of this support and spring into action mode.

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8. You feel an inner peace that lets you leave your comfort zone.

Leaving your comfort zone and doing something different is scary. We are content when we’re comfortable. Leaving the comfort zone is a risk because you don’t know if you’ll be content anymore. I’m going to let you in on a little secret; getting out of your comfort zone is a win. You learn you live, and you grow. If you suddenly feel at peace with a move you have been setting aside for some time, this is a clear sign that the universe thinks it’s time to take that risk so you can one day reap the rewards.

9. Your gut is telling you to do it.

Few things can describe what you feel when you have a gut feeling. You just know something without proof, sense, or meaning. Most gut feelings are trustworthy, especially when it comes to meeting people. If you can’t push away a gut feeling about someone or something, it’s time to explore that feeling. Talk to someone about it or just do whatever your gut tells you. Sometimes you can’t go wrong with that.

10. You dream about it.

Sometimes dreams act as a defense mechanism. It helps protect you from future events so you can make the right moves when you’re awake. Just like some games, when you die in a game, you can reset and start over. With the dream, it’s prepping you for the future, but you don’t die, you just wake up. Sometimes when you think about something too much, it’ll reveal itself in your dreams, and sometimes you have control of it and sometimes you don’t, but overall, you’ll see what’s going on in your dreams, and from there, hopefully, help you determine your course of action. I know sometimes dreams don’t sense, and not all dreams will help, some are just random, but if you’re dreaming about something, in particular, it’s a sign.

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Overall, if you get a majority of these signs, there’s a good chance that the universe is telling you to make that move. Plus, you stumble upon this video, so like that’s another sign that you should make a move. You didn’t find the video, the video found you. Haha. But for reals, if you’re thinking about it, then just do it.

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