10 Ways To Attract a Girl Without Saying Anything

Have you ever met someone who seemed really cool until they opened their mouth and started talking? Not to bag on the guys, but guys have a knack for screwing up impressions by saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Luckily, there are many ways to attract a girl without saying anything at all. From getting help from your friends to using some physical moves, you’ll be sure to catch her attention through some of these 10 methods.

1. Get your friends to hype you up.

Just like the wild wolves of the forest, guys usually travel in packs with their close friends. Use this to your advantage and have your fellow friends hype you up within sight of the girl you want to attract. They can hype you up for something you said, did, or whatever you choose. The what isn’t as important as the how. Make sure they use their enthusiasm and a higher volume to project that you’re “the best.” This creates social proof and when you have social proof, then you’ll get the girl’s attention.

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2. Show that you get along with others.

While approval from your friends is nice, how you treat strangers is something even more important when warranting the attention of a girl. She’s going to pick up whether you pick up or pick on others. You’ll want to show that you’re friendly to others in a respectful way. This doesn’t mean you act like a bee buzzing from chick to chick, nor does it mean you interject yourself into every conversation you hear. Stay friendly, genuine, and kind in your interactions and she’ll be sure to notice. I mean you might think nice guys finish last, but they are the ones getting married. This is a good way to attract a girl without saying anything.

3. Pick the right look.

Everyone’s got a look and it’s your job to make sure your look says the right thing about you. When was the last time you updated your closet? Do your shoe track in more dirt than the dog? Or are you aiming to give that hipster, skateboarding, or professional businessman vibe? Make sure to include haircut and facial hair consideration on this one too if you have some. Your look will say more about you than your words, so choose it carefully.

4. Notice your posture.

If this girl wants to date a question mark, she’ll be super into your slouched back. If she would rather date a confident human being, you’ll have to start standing up straight. Proper posture is not only attractive, it boosts your health and confidence. Take note of how you walk, stand, and sit. Push those shoulders back and tilt your chin up when speaking to others, or even while being alone. You’ll be surprised how many more glances you’ll get… in a good way though.

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5. Make eye contact.

Unless you’re a prince or the hottest guy in the room, this girl won’t start noticing you until you start noticing her. Make some eye contact now and again to let her know you’ve noticed her but don’t stare at her like a creep. Try to look at her for a few seconds at a time and then look back at something near you. Avoid looking at your phone or the door in between glances. If you notice her looking back at you, you’re already attracting this girl without saying anything. If she doesn’t look back at you often, then this method might not be the best method for you, since it does require you to look decent in a way.

6. Walk near her, then walk away.

Now it’s time for your approach, with a twist. Make your way near her, adding in that eye contact for a moment if you’re able to. Then, stop before reaching her. You might do this somewhere like a table to put down your drink or grab a snack, or maybe you say hello to another person who happens to be in the way. After this moment, head right back to where you were before or to another location in the room not too far away. This girl will notice you. And if you do it often walking back and forth with her, she might end up talking to you and be the first to break the ice because you’re always within her vicinity.

7. Smile at her.

No matter where you are in the room, shoot her a smile because it’s contagious. By the way, you should always be doing this around her if you want to attract her. This lets her know that you’re friendly and approachable. Because the last thing a girl wants is a mean hostile person.

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8. The eyebrow lift.

The two random lines of hair on our faces serve more of a purpose than just making us look less alien. Eyebrows add on tons of emotion when it comes to expressing ourselves. When looking at this girl, if your eyes happen to meet hers, raise both of your eyebrows for a quick second with an added smirk. This should be done in one swift-second move. It’s saying, “Hey, how’s it going?” without opening your mouth. This playful and flirty way of speaking nonverbally is sure to catch her attention. Might make her smile as well.

9. Take up space.

A lonely guy sitting in the corner is going to attract dust, not women. Take up space wherever you are so that you are noticed. Use your hands when telling stories to add emphasis. Walk to different parts of the room to show that you have control of the environment. Leave the space for some fresh air or to freshen up in the bathroom, then return. She is more likely to be attracted to you if she can’t help but see you everywhere. This is what most high-power individuals do, they take up space, to let others know they are there.

10. Choose your cologne wisely.

Different odors affect social judgments, interactions, and even behaviors. It’s no surprise that how someone smells can affect whether you want to be near them or not. It also adds to the human attraction, if chosen wisely. While you may like your cologne, go and get another girl’s opinion on it to see if it attracts more than just your own nose. If it’s good, you’ll be attracting them like bees to a flower. This is a good way to attract a girl without saying anything.

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Overall, if you’re really trying to get a girl’s attention and get her attracted to you, talking and making a conversation is the best way, because at the end of the day, if you want something long-term, you’ll eventually need to talk to them. These methods are only temporary and need to be used together. But for those who wish to not talk, then this is a good start. Well, until you build up a set of good skills like a pro soccer player, and then you’ll get all the ladies without talking. I’m just saying. So there you have it 10 ways to attract a girl without saying anything.

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