12 Ways to Feel and Look More Attractive

Hollywood has us thinking that we need millions of dollars to have the perfect image. From plastic surgery to designer brands, most of us are convinced we need more to feel and look better. But we really don’t. That is far from the truth. There are plenty of free and doable ways to feel and look more attractive today. You don’t need big bucks or brand names for these, either. So here are 12 ways to start feeling and looking more attractive to others.

1. Workout in the morning.

Everyone knows working out is good for you. While there is no “right” time to hit the gym, working out in the morning will help start your morning with more energy, focus, and general happiness. Your endorphins will be pumping and set you up for a more confident day. Not only that but positive moods have been associated with an enhanced ability for your skin to renew itself. So, if you’re not feeling that great, a good workout will usually help you out.

2. Smile more.

The easiest way to feel and look more attractive is simple; smile more. Various psychological studies have shown that smiling makes you seem more trustworthy, approachable, and –the obvious one – friendly. Not only that, studies have found that smiling – yes, even forcing a fake smile – generates positive feelings and mood elevation. Just by forcing your facial muscles to smile, you’re pushing yourself into a better headspace!

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3. Do your hair.

You don’t need luscious locks or a hair-salon style to look and feel great. Simply brushing your hair to make it sleeker and neater is a major upgrade from the bedhead you woke up with. If you’re feeling more enthusiastic you can even bring out the tools and products to make it look better. For short hair, sticking to a routine haircut and a brush is usually more than enough, unless you are able to style it.

4. Drink plenty of water.

Did you know that about 60% of your body is made of water? So, you should know that water is important by now and there’s a reason for that. Well, healthier you, happier you, and more attractive you. Water protects your spine and tissues, helps eliminate waste, normalizes blood pressure, helps with digestion, improves skin elasticity and look, and helps carry nutrients around your body. Instead of asking why you should drink more water, ask why you wouldn’t! You’ll be feeling great when you’re hydrated and healthy, so drink up.

5. Watch a funny video.

A video that matches your sense of humor is sure to lift your spirits. Start off your morning or add on to your lunch break by watching a short, funny video. This positive mood boost will stick with you throughout the day, increasing your smiling, and making you feel and look good. People are more attractive to others who are positive and like a good laugh. I’m just saying.

6. Have a spa treatment.

Every now and then we need to take our bodies to the good ol’ human repair shop… the spa. This doesn’t mean you have to go and blow big bucks on treatments at the fancy place downtown; you can easily pick up some bath bubbles, a face mask, and a candle at a nearby store. Set up a relaxing atmosphere and treat your body to some relaxation and rejuvenation. And before you ask, yes, this goes for both men, women, and all of the above! Every human being gotta relax and reset too.

7. Stand up straight.

Years of slouching will creep up on you when you get older, so start sitting and standing up straight today. Proper posture keeps your joints and bones where they need to be to ensure you are standing tall and with strength. Good posture is also associated with confidence and power, making it an instant boost in how you’re seen by others. Plus, people look way more attractive when they are tall and not slouching.

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8. Buy and wear a new outfit.

If you’re willing to spend a little time digging through the sale racks, you’ll be sure to find a nice new outfit to wear to work or school. Plan a day to break it in and make sure you also add in some hair brushing from the third bullet point that I’ve mentioned earlier. You’ll be sure to turn heads and feel confident with this one!

9. Get up early.

Set that alarm and resist the urge to snooze it. You want to set up a morning where you don’t rush. Have a good breakfast and maybe even spend a few minutes reading, journaling, or planning your day. This will set you up for success as you start your morning with energy and determination. Having a morning routine is key.

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10. Cut back on processed foods.

Processed foods have been given a bad name, and I don’t blame the name-givers. They’re often high in sodium and fat, leading to all-around bloating and feeling tired. Shoot for a greener, more natural diet, especially for lunch, to feel and look more awake for the rest of your day. When you’re more health-conscious, you’ll definitely look more attractive to others.

11. Try out meditation.

Meditation’s benefits include stress management, increased patience, more emotional stability, and even the lengthening of your attention span. All of these things work together to make you a calmer, more focused you, which will reflect positively in all interactions. I know some of you might say, “meditation doesn’t help,” but if you actually focus and relax, you’ll feel the power of it.

12. Follow a sleep schedule.

Eight hours of sleep a day keeps the doctor away. Okay, that just depends on your body. But do have a sleep schedule that you’ll sleep at a certain time and wake up at a certain time. Sleeping boosts blood flow in your skin, increases your energy, and generally makes you feel and look better. Try to stick to a routine when it comes to getting some sleep and rest to ensure your body is working happily and efficiently.

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Overall, these are just a few things you can do to feel and look more attractive. The secret sauce to all of this is having a positive mindset of course. If you don’t have the mindset of wanting to feel and look more attractive, then you would never achieve that. So, don’t go putting yourself down and saying that you’re ugly because, in reality, you’re pretty cute in your own way. So, if you can focus on the positive, I’m sure you’ll feel and look more attractive in no time.

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