Girls You Want To Avoid (8 Types)

If you just go out to a crowded city, you can meet a lot of different types of girls. You’ll meet the nice ones and the bad ones. The bad ones are the ones you probably want to avoid because they’ll just give you a headache and waste your time. Whether it’s a friendship or a relationship that you’re trying to build, it’s also a good idea to know the ones that’ll be draining. So how do you know which ones to avoid? Well, here’s 8 girls you want to avoid, and of course, it’s not entirely exclusive.

1. The unreliable girls.

If you can’t count on her, you can count on being alone. Unreliable girls, and unreliable people in general, are the opposite of a breath of fresh air. They cancel plans last minute, don’t answer your calls or texts half the time, and are the last person you would call if you were in jail and had one phone call. Whether you’re looking for a friend or a girlfriend, stability is a must. If she bails, she fails.

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2. The sneaky girls.

Being sneaky is great if you’re a spy, a hunter, or a ninja. Being sneaky is not a good trait if you’re a girlfriend or friend. Sneaky girls will hide information from you, whether it’s important or not. Sneaky girls also include lying in their mix, from the little white lies to the ones that’ll ruin lives. These girls don’t value honesty and are always looking out for their own interests. If you’re looking for someone to have your back, they should be the last ones on your list because they’ll disappear before you know it.

3. The journalist girls.

If this girl is literally studying journalism or wants to be a news anchor, that’s okay. When I say to avoid the journalist girls, I’m talking about the ones who seem to interview you in every conversation. Whether you’ve just met them or have known each other for a while, the conversation always seems to revolve around you. Do you even know anything about this girl? She’s probably quizzing you because, A, she is using you for something, or B, she is using the information you provided to her to cause drama. She could be the nice quiet girl sitting in the back of the class but she’s like the mastermind of all her plans. You’ll never know what’s she’s trying to plot. Plus, it does you no good if you don’t know anything about her.

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4. The unpredictable girls.

These types of girls are a double-edged sword. When you meet them, you might be attracted to their spontaneity and thrilling lifestyle. One day they’re low-key and the next they’re out painting the town red. It sounds exciting… until they leave you drained and exhausted because you never know what to expect. While their actions may be fun, their personalities will change at the drop of a hat. You may be looking forward to a friendly hangout, but a storm can come in anytime with her.

5. The disrespectful girls.

In the beginning, some girls won’t be disrespectful. But eventually, they will show their true colors, you just may have to wait a bit to see them. Since they’re trying to form a friendship or relationship with you, they’ll be putting their best foot forward. That is until someone else displeases them. You’ll have to observe how they act towards others instead. Pay special attention to how they are to waitstaff, their parents, and customer service reps. Listen for proper manners, like using please, thank you, or excuse me. If you notice them being rude or disrespectful to you and others, it’s probably a good idea to avoid them because they will be the ones causing you more pain in the long run.

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6. The girls who use you.

This girl seems to love your company, so much so that she’ll always ask for your help. She also seems to think you’re super reliable since whenever she calls, you’re there for her. When you tell her what you do for a living or just what you have, she’ll be impressed by that because she’ll find a way to milk or get whatever you have from you. Whether it’s emotional or financial, this girl will eventually take advantage of you. This is a girl you really want to avoid because girls like this could ruin your life.

7. The gossip girls.

It’s easy to get caught up in the drama, especially if that drama isn’t your own. It’s ok to admit that we’ve all gossip before. At first, this may not seem like a big deal. After a few encounters, though, you may learn that gossiping is one of this girl’s favorite pastimes. She always has the scoop on the juiciest drama in town and she’s dying to spill her secrets to someone. There’s a big life lesson in this – if they talk about others to you, they can talk about you to others. Take to the old adage and remember, if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.

8. The materialistic girls.

Materialistic girls think that “last season” items are a crime to wear, and they will rarely leave the house without putting on their best look and a designer outfit. These girls are all about appearances and they WILL drag you right down to the pit of their Gucci, materialistic prison. They aren’t really bad or anything if they like the flashy things in life, but it’s bad when they care more about a bag than a person and also when they start using your money to buy stuff. If that’s the case, this is a girl you want to stay away from, 100%.

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Overall, these are just a few characteristics of girls you might consider avoiding if you don’t want them to emotionally or financially drain you. If you get a sense that this is happening, it might be a good idea to talk to them first because they might not know they are evening doing it or hurting you. So there you have it 8 types of girls you want to avoid.

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