How To Get Girls To Notice You – Top 8 Ways

How To Get Girls To Notice You (Top 8 Ways)

Getting girls to notice can be difficult sometimes because school didn’t prepare you for that. Or maybe you have an idea of how to get girls to notice you, but you need a guide to help you out so you know what to do. With that being said, here are the top 8 ways to get girls to notice you.

1. Be bold. Be confident

You need to own the room or space that you’re in. Stand up straight with a good posture. Talk like you know the subject. Be the guy that stands out when theirs people around. Some girls tend to like guys who can take charge because they are the ones with interesting stories and memories. Guys who are shy probably won’t stick out as much thus reducing your visibility on the girl’s radar.

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2. Be sweet and thoughtful

Do you babysit on the weekends? Do you remember your friends’ birthday? What about this, do you cook and share with your friends? You might do sweet and thoughtful things, but do other people know it? To get the girls attention, you would need to do these things openly and, in a way, you’re not forcing it. If you get a chance to do these things around girls, they’ll start noticing you as a sweet and thoughtful guy. Sometimes girls want to be pamper by a guy.

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3. Dress differently

So, there are 3 styles of outfit to get girls attention and they don’t need to be outrageous looking. First style would be the fun look. Wear a funny t-shirt with a funny quote or funny picture. You will get people trying to look at you and wanting to see you. The second style would be the bright look. If people around you are wearing black and white and you put on a red shirt, you will get eyeballs your way. And of course, you don’t have to be wearing crazy neon bright colors that will make you feel awkward. Just start wearing bright colors that suit your style. The third style would be the professional look. If you want girls to give you a second take, then maybe you should start dressing up more often. Style your hair and take care of your beard. Make yourself look clean and organize. Doing so will get the attention you want.

4. Be friends with their friends

This is one of the best away to get the girls’ attention. If you haven’t gather the confidence to talk to her directly, then hanging with her friends or knowing her friends can be helpful to get her to notice you and make an impression. Girls tend to like it if you guys already have mutual friends, together. In addition, their friends can give you some insight about them so you can use the information to get her attention.

5. Hang around places where she will most likely to be in

At this point, you are basically marketing yourself. Like in advertising, you need to be marketing yourself constantly. People don’t make connections the first time seeing something. It is probably on their 7th or 10th time when the advertisement pops up and they start to notice it. When she starts noticing you more, she might start to think “maybe I should talk to this guy because I’ve been seeing him around a lot, here.” In addition, if you start bumping into her more often, your chances of having an interaction with her will dramatically increase. But make sure to play it off as you didn’t stage it.

6. Be social and friendly

To achieve that, you must be approachable. Smile more and appear more open. Start by talking to your friends more, then start making small talks with people at school or at work, then move to acquaintances. While you are becoming more social and friendly, it also builds up your confidence level to talk to other girls. If you are able to make people smile and laugh, then that’s a bonus. You will start to get people’s attention and be noted as a friendly guy. Some girls would like a friendly guy that can make them smile. I’m just saying.

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7. Make eye contact

When you get the opportunity, try to lock eyes with her for a brief second and smile when you get a chance. Acknowledge her if she’s walking around campus or to work, and give her a nod. This will make her think about you and wonder if you got something on your mind. On the other hand, if she totally doesn’t know who you are, do not stare at her for a long time because she’ll think you’re a creep.

8. Be their friend

I know for some people this would be the toughest thing to do, but if you want the girl, you would need to talk to her sooner or later, so why not just get it over with and do it now. Majority of the time, all relationship starts with friendship. Just think about it for a moment. How will you be able to move on to the next step if you guys are not friends? Gain the confidence and talk to her. Get to know her. Share secrets with each other. Most importantly build that trust and not let each other’s secrets out. If a girl can trust you with that, she could pour her heart out to you. But remember one thing, if you want to be more than friends, never put yourself in the friend zone!

With that being said, my main tip for all you guys is to TAKE ACTION. If you just keep on reading and searching ways to get the girl, you’ll just be stuck in the same cycle and you’ll never be able to gain the confidence to implement any of the tips. Learn it and take action the next day! Trust me, you will build up your confidence level over time and you’ll find the girl that you always wanted but through actual practice of course. So there you have it 8 ways on how to get a girl to notice you.

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