Top 10 Ways On How To Get Over Someone

Top 10 Ways On How To Get Over Someone

You might just have found out that all relationship comes to an end. Now it’s time to move on and get over that person. But how since you really like or love that person? I understand feelings like that don’t simply go away with a click of a button. The internal pain will be there and it is up to you on how fast you can get over that. So, I’m going to go over the top 10 ways on how to get over someone and help you recover sooner. Now this all depends on the person.

1. Get closure

Understand why the relationship did not work out. Whether you are breaking it off or the other person is breaking it off, you should understand the reasons why. Leaving things open ended will only cause more trouble down the line and you will constantly be thinking about how to make things right. And that’s not healthy. In addition, you will need to be reasonable with yourself. Understand the reason and let it go. This person is not the one for you and move on. That’s one important way on how to get over someone.

2. Let your emotions out

Feel free to cry, yell, scream, work out, binge watch or binge eat whatever you want. When that day comes, you own that day and do whatever you want. Don’t let your feelings stay hidden, let them out. Most importantly, talk it out with your friends or family. They can offer you advice because they care about you and want what’s best for you.

3. Avoid contact with that person

Stay away from places where they will most likely to be in. Don’t make any eye contact with them. Don’t social media stalk them. Give yourself a lot of time and space. The last thing you want is to see that person and bring back old memories of them. If you do see them and you can’t avoid it, just keep the interaction brief and professional.

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4. Remove all sentimental reminders

To reinforce number 3, you should throw away or hide all notes, gifts, and pictures. Perhaps even delete their phone number, and unfriend them on social media so you don’t accidently drunk dial or text them. That’s the last thing you want to do. You don’t want to be that person.

5. Know that you’re worth more

If that person doesn’t like you, then it’s their lost. Know that you’re capable of finding someone that will value you and be worthy of you. There are billions of people in this world and possibly thousands of people in the city or town that you live in. If that person did not work out with you, then there are plenty of others out there that could be a match. You just need to take some time and explore. You will never know what you will find out there until you try.

6. Meet new people

Whether it’s making new friends or going on dates, you’ll start getting your mind off of that person. You will find out that there could be people out there who may come to appreciate you and love you. Most of the time making new friends is better than going on random dates because it’ll reduce any romantic pressure you have and speed up the recovery process.

7. Keep yourself busy

If you keep yourself occupied with things to do, you’ll slowly forget the problem you had in the first place. Work more hours, or take projects back home to work. During this time, it’s okay if you turn into a workaholic. You’ll benefit if you think about it this way… You are actually getting pay to get over someone. If working is not your thing, try picking up a new hobby or a new skill. Hey, I didn’t know that I like cooking and baking until I tried it out.

8. Don’t self-destruct

Don’t drink too much, don’t party too much, or go on a sex-spree with other people. Try to turn your energy into something more positive or productive. Like working out, cleaning your house, or doing your finances. Know that you’re better than that and in the long run it’ll be beneficial for you. Trust me on this one.

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9. Understand yourself

Focus on your goals in life and understand what you want. Do you want to travel? Do you have a bucket list of things to do? If so, then do it! Go out there and experience new things and get to know yourself a little better. So next time, if you find yourself trap in the same situation, you’ll know how to get out and not make the same mistake, again. Sometimes in life, you never know what you will like and until you try it.

10. Love yourself

When you are trying to get over someone, it is easy to blame yourself for it and believe that you are the one at fault. However, it’s important to remember you are special and it takes someone who is also special to see it. Maybe you two were just not compatible with each other and that’s basically it. There’s no reason to torture yourself over it. Like how I always tell people, if you have the choice to be happy or sad, which emotion would you choose? Most people would choose to be happy because people see that as a positive thing. So choose to be a happy camper and wait it out until you find someone that you think will be compatible with you. There’s no need to rush it. Make sure to love yourself and feel good while you are doing it.

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Overall, if you are able to do all these 10 things, you will be more likely to be recovering faster than people who don’t. The most important factor here is time. Time will heal you. Give yourself time and not to rush things. After getting over someone, sometimes people can’t stay friends with them, and that’s okay. Once you have recover, you will understand what is best for you and know how you should approach things. The recovery will come. You just need to believe and have faith. Promise. So there you have it 10 ways on how to get over someone.

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