How To Make Money Off Of YouTube

When people think of making money online, many people start looking for ways to make money on Instagram and Facebook. Sometimes they forget about the video platform, YouTube. But the truth is that there are several ways to make money on YouTube. Especially if you know how to create aesthetically pleasing videos that are engaging. And I’m currently doing this as well with over 100,000 subscribers and counting. And if you stay with me, I’ll show you my secret sauce on how to create stunning videos in a matter of minutes. This is without showing your face.

YouTube is one of the most popular platforms on the internet. It also makes an excellent opportunity for anyone who wants to make money. To make money with YouTube, you will need to understand “who is your potential audience”. Defining your own audience puts you in an excellent position when it comes to monetizing your content. Because YouTube will then push it out to more similar audience out there. You can get the most out of it if you understand, in detail, everything that surrounds your audience. Once you do and start to grow, here are 7 ways on how to make money off of YouTube.

1. Get monetize on YouTube.

First things first, in order to get monetize, you’ll be 4,000 hours of watch time and 1,000 subscribers. And when you hit those goals, you’ll be able to set up Ads on your videos and make money! This also includes getting money from YouTube Premium. For those of you who don’t know, YouTube Premium is an online subscription service, in which users can watch videos without ads. Premium works as a second source of income for content creators, as there is no need to do anything other than registering your channel. YouTube’s monetization rules indicate that, as with traditional ads, most of the revenue generated in Premium is passed on to content creators or YouTubers. So, once you get monetize, you’re good to go.

You might be asking yourself, “How do I get 4,000 hours of watch time and 1,000 subscribers when I don’t know how to make videos?”

Don’t worry, if you check out the channel “Natural Cures” on YouTube. The one channel with 3 million+ subscribers. You’ll find that they have over 1,000+ videos that are just clips of videos all compiled together and done with a script and a voice-over. And I’ve used the same process too. This is one of the videos I’ve done for my channel:

In order to create something like that, I used a software called Vidnami to create these stunning videos, and also Natural Cures uses it too. The best part is that I don’t have to show my face. This has resulted in us getting hundreds of thousands of views and also thousands of subscribers. And of course, this is all original content. If you are doing this, please don’t just copy and paste other people’s work, it’ll just be flag by YouTube or other creators if you do that.

2. Promotional video content.

Promotional video content is a good solution in making money on YouTube within a digital influencer framework. Often, brands and stores want to sell online to a specific target audience, which is why they end up contacting influencers and celebrities who already have certain popularity within that particular niche. This format of partnerships and ads is quite common on Instagram, but it can also generate good results on YouTube. Despite being a good source of income and an especially relevant boost to increase the channel’s popularity, it is good to carefully choose the brands you will be working with because you don’t want to tarnish your channel by working with people who don’t align with your channel.

3. Redirect channel subscribers to your shop.

If you are looking to build a career within entrepreneurship and you like the idea of making video content to make money on YouTube. Then it may be a good idea to set up a virtual store, aka an e-commerce site. This way, you’ll be able to interconnect your efforts and use the channel to promote the products you’re selling in the store. You can also use the videos made for YouTube on the website’s product pages. And if you are getting views, you can also start getting money via YouTube ads (if you get monetized). In addition to being an excellent way to generate more traffic for your store, it can grow your brand organically. Opening a virtual store could be as simple as opening a Shopify store. You can start dropshipping products, resell products, t-shirts, or handmade goods.

4. Affiliate links.

Affiliate links can be a great way to monetize your YouTube channel. If you have a beauty or fashion channel and will be recommending products, this will work the best. Basically, if someone buys something off of your link, you will get a small part of the income from the product purchase. So it’s important that you sign up for an affiliate program and add affiliate links to your videos. Popular affiliate programs include Click Bank. You can see the commission from 1% to 75% depending on the providers. Also, you have the Amazon affiliate network where you can earn up to 10% per sale. You can also get in touch with brands in your niche that are running their own affiliate programs. It doesn’t hurt to do a shout out for them if you’re just starting.

5. Super Chat.

Super Chat is another way to make money on YouTube. With it, channel subscribers can buy small spaces for comments and pin them during a live stream or just donate to their favorite creator. As Super Chat is an exclusive feature of Livestream, you will need to invest in this format and increase the frequency of this type of content if you want to turn it into a source of income. In addition, it is worth remembering that YouTube will keep 30% of the total collected proceeds. Lastly, you’ll need 1,000 subscribers to get started.

6. Use channel membership.

When your channel reaches the 30,000 subscribers mark (or 1,000 subscribers for gaming channels), you can unlock channel membership. With the membership, channel subscribers can choose to contribute a small amount monthly; in return, they receive exclusive benefits such as preview before launch, closed chat, personalized emojis, and many more perks that you are willing to provide. Whenever a member is on the channel or makes a comment, they will be automatically identified as such because they’ll have a custom tag next to their name. In addition to strengthening ties with your fans and subscribers, the membership also works as a way of showing that you, the content creator, recognize the importance of these people that are making it happen.

7. Do crowdfunding for your projects.

When money is the only thing standing between an idea and its execution, crowdfunding is a good way to get money, regardless of whether you need help hiring actors or covering production costs, you can turn to your own audience for help. In fact, many creative projects have been funded this way in exchange for a breakthrough that gets people excited. Popular crowdfunding sites with a proven track record of YouTubers campaigns include Kickstarter (One of the popular and best crowdfunding sites for funding good creative projects).

In conclusion.

The first step in making money from YouTube is to have a good video editor in your hands. After that, you’ll need to invest heavily in gaining subscribers. The more subscribers will sometimes correlate to getting more views. In other words, the more views you have, the higher your income will be on the platform. This is not just getting monetize with YouTube ads, it’s everything!

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