How To Tell If A Guy Is Flirting With You

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in one of those moments where you can’t tell if he’s flirting with you or just being friendly with you? While a flashing neon sign would be helpful, usually you don’t have such obvious signs to show that someone is interested and flirting with you. So, which is it? Is he casually playing around with you, the same as he would with any other friend? Or, is he showing signs that you stand out in his eyes and he’s trying to get his game on? If you’re curious to know here’s 10 signs on how to tell if a guy is flirting with you.

1. He teases you.

Teasing can be a number of things, but it all comes down to making fun of someone in a playful way. This can be silly name-calling, sarcastic comments, or light-hearted jokes at your expense. The key thing to remember is that all of these will be PLAYFUL. There is a fine line between being funny and being a jerk, so make sure that your boundaries are respected. If they are, you’ll quickly notice that this guy isn’t out to get you… he’s out to date you!

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2. He invites you to compete against him.

Ah, the classic challenge. A typical way a guy may flirt with you is by throwing a competition into the mix. This challenge isn’t actually a competition, as much as it is a playful scenario that gives you two an excuse to hang out and talk. A good example would be him saying that he’s better than you at a sport you play or some sort of game. This opens the door for you to accept the challenge and get the chance to hang out with you… if you’re interested in flirting with him too, that is.

3. He touches your hair.

I’m not sure if there’s a scientific explanation for it or not, but playing with hair seems like an immediate relaxer for some people. It’s like a massage, without the massage, if that makes sense. But of course, you gotta know the person first. If you’re a totally random stranger, it’s not going to fly. So, if this guy starts to do it to you, he’s slowly trying to make his way to you. And, think about it, no one would do that to someone they aren’t fond of. This is a strong sign to tell that a guy is flirting with you.

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4. He makes fun of you if you’re with another guy.

In the same way, he might tease you personally, yet playfully, a guy might also joke about your choice of guys if given the chance. But of course, not crossing the line and being rude and mean. It might be other friends you’re hanging out with or a guy you’re actually interested in. Either way, the guy sees the new guy as his competition, and any time you spend with the other guy is time taken away from him.

5. He lends you things.

It could be books, random day-to-day items, and – the holy grail of romantic items – his comfy hoodie. Any and all of these lent-out items are also a way of flirting and connecting with you. It gives you both another excuse to stay in touch, and it’s a kind gesture on his part. It’s even creeping into “relationship” territory, so he’s really feeling you. You know?

6. He gives you a thought-out compliment.

If your grandma tells you that you’re beautiful all the time, that compliment is not original. You’ll know that a guy is pulling his heavy-duty flirting moves when he comes up with a unique and creative compliment. This means changing from “You have nice eyes” to “Wow, your eyes are like sapphires sparkling on a summer day. How many people have you stun with those.” Haha

7. Then, he fishes for compliments around you.

You will often be on the receiving end of compliments from flirty guys, but if he’s really feeling you, he will also fish for compliments right back. This is usually done by asking your opinion on things, like his haircut or new style. He’s hoping you’ll like it and say so!

8. He becomes Mr. Nice Guy.

Courtesy is always in style, but a Mr. Nice Guy will go above and beyond. He’s not only generally kind to you, but he goes that extra mile for whatever you need, whenever you need it. It’s still flirting when he’s able to get your attention.

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9. He’s always sending emojis.

This is pretty straight-forward and done through texts, DM’s, or – if he’s really old school – even the occasional email. You’ll want to keep an eye out for winking faces, tongue-out emoji, the smirk, heart eyes, and hearts in general. If he’s sending you more than that, then you know he’s hardcore flirting with you. This is a good sign to tell that a guy is flirting with you.

10. He shoots you a smirk… not a smile.

Smiles are for yearbook pics, Thanksgiving family photos, and for acknowledging strangers awkwardly as you pass them in aisle twelve of the grocery store. Smirks, on the other hand, are a whole different level of flirting. This is the HALF-smile, some may even say it’s the evil grin. It’s mysterious, a little bad, and intriguing. If he’s smirking, then he’s flirting

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Overall, if you’re still trying to figure out if this guy is flirting or simply just living, I would make a note to look out for at least 4 of these signs. Just a couple won’t cut it, because those could simply be his ways of communicating with others. If you’re interested in him and you can tick off four or more signs that he’s flirting with you, amp up your own flirtatious moves and see what comes out of it! He might be counting your own signs as we speak! There you have it 10 signs on how to tell if a guy is flirting with you.

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