Psychological Facts About Crushes

Psychological Facts About Crushes

Crushes are generally moments of thrills one that isn’t easy to explain. They can be unexpected and very confusing at times, but here are 8 psychological facts about crushes.

1. Beauty Is in the Eyes of the Beholder

Looking into the eyes of your crush is the best way to know if they like you or not. That’s because their pupils will be bigger if they are attracted to you. Their pupils will naturally get wider if they like you, so you should also look at the eyes of people around you to compare them. If you see that their pupils start to dilate as soon as you approach them, that’s a good sign. Your eyes are probably doing the same thing when you see them, and this is also what makes you more attractive according to scientists. Now that’s crush facts. Love is the best way to look more beautiful.

2. Love Is in the Air

Beauty is not only in the eyes but also in the nose of the beholder. We secrete pheromones that act as a way to communicate information to the opposite gender. You can’t really understand what the smell is trying to say, but your body can unconsciously tell you that your crush is the one for you. However, scientists don’t all agree when it comes to talking about the impact that it has on humans. No matter what, you probably think that your crush smells good, so this theory makes sense.

Check out: The difference between crush and love

3. Science of Attraction

Love is caused by hormones, and you probably noticed it when you were a teenager. There are three stages of love: lust, attraction, and attachment. Testosterone is what makes you want to find a partner as fast as possible. Men usually have more sex drive, but females do have some testosterone in them too. This is a basic instinct that encourages you to find someone to mate with and have babies as reproduction is a human need. But now that we can use contraception, your goal can also simply be having pleasure and wait a couple of years before you think about becoming a family.

4. Chemistry of Love

Whenever you fall in love with someone, you feel a rush of euphoria, passion, and excitement. Your heart races, you get sweaty palms, and there is way too much energy in your body. If you think that it feels like a drug, that’s because scientists compare it to this too. This beautiful feeling is caused by dopamine, which is associated with motivation and reward to make you want to see that special someone once again. This is what makes love the best drug available on the market, as long as you don’t get addicted.

Check out: How to tell someone you love them

5. Love Is a Drug

Once you start feeling like you can’t live without your crush, that’s because you are addicted to the drug in your brain. It is called oxytocin, and it is a hormone that brings couples closer and binds the relationship. It is released during orgasm to make sure that the two lovers will stay together if they ever have a baby. But you can also simply use it as a way to live a long relationship with your partner. Unfortunately, if you break up, the feeling will be similar to drug withdraw. The best cure for this is simply to wait or even to fall in love again. These are just scientific facts about crushes.

6. Birds of a Feather Flock Together

You might be surprised to learn that opposites do not attract. Studies proved that people are only attracted to those who share the same views and values on what matters to them the most. They will stay away from those who do not adhere to their beliefs so arguing with the person you love might not be a good sign. However, don’t change your opinion just to please your crush. It would be better to just look for someone who will like you for you.

7. Love Is Blind

You have probably heard this before, but we are here to tell you that it has been scientifically proven. Researchers found out that whenever you get close to a person, that feeling of love suppresses any activity in your brain associated with critical thought. That totally explains why you think that this special someone is perfect while your friends don’t always agree with you. It’s not good if you fall for the wrong person, but you’ll be happy to hear that your mom feels the same thing towards you too.

Check out: What makes a man fall deeply in love with a woman

8. Two Hearts Beat as One

You know that you are in love when your heart suddenly starts beating faster when you see your crush. But did you know that their heart is doing the same thing too? That’s because scientists found out that couple’s breathing patterns and heart rate match up when they are sitting close to each other. The same thing doesn’t happen to strangers, so it must have something to do with love. If you want to see if your crush likes you, listen to their heart during the next cuddle session.

Check out: 9 Psychological Facts About Love

Hope you found these 8 psychological facts about crushes interesting. I’ll see you next time for more content.

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