What Makes A Man Fall Deeply In Love With A Woman

What Makes A Man Fall Deeply In Love With A Woman

Have you ever experienced this? He loves me, maybe he doesn’t… he might kinda like-like me, but I’m not sure if it’s a like-love, so what will make him love-love me instead of like-like me, you know what I mean? Sounds confusing, right? It’s like that sometimes… love is complicated. Sometimes it’s easy to start up a relationship. Attraction comes naturally, and soon after the romantic dates and a few Nicholas Sparks movies, you two seem attached at the hip and the L-word is in the air. All too often, though, these connections might fizzle out. You’re left thinking… wait a second. What happened? So, what’s the real difference between these dying sparks and the wildfire all-consuming love of a long, strong relationship? The difference, in simple terms, is passing the lust phase and falling deeply in love. If you already have a man who is googly-eyed for you, good for you, but for the rest of us; what makes a man fall deeply in love with a woman? Here’s 10 elements that will surely get him walking (or should I say, falling) down the path of love. Make sure to stay to the end for the last two important ones.

1. Confidence

When a woman feels secure, both about herself and in her relationship, the man in the relationship is put at ease. He doesn’t have to worry about a FBI-girlfriend who is consistently doubting everything he puts out there. Does anyone actually want to fall in love with someone who is constantly uncertain about themselves and their lives? Definitely not. Talk about draining. Ain’t nobody got time for that. A confident partner, on the other hand, is stable and makes sure that their relationship is just as secure. This confidence eliminates any potential jealousy or control issues, and therefore makes the relationship stronger than the biggest meathead at your local gym. A confident woman doesn’t NEED a man… but she wants one, chooses to be with him, and truly values the relationship that they build together. When a man sees this display, it can even amplify his own confidence and have him saying “Wow, this woman just has it. She is so sure. And I am so sure about her.” Confidence isn’t just a key, it’s THE key… to his heart.

2. She accepts his flaws

What’s one similarity between having pimples, embarrassing middle school memories, and flaws? We all have them, and none of us want to admit it. When it comes down to it, though, at the end of the day we are all human. And humans are definitely not perfect. Anyway, let’s be real here. No one should be perfect. Perfect is boring, and imperfections are unique. That’s why the weird, imperfect art paintings sell for thousands and millions of dollars. It’s cool to be YOU-nique! So, back to the imperfections. A good man will know his flaws. He might even work towards slowly improving some of them! But, in the meantime, it’s vital for him to have a partner who accepts him for who he is. A woman accepting his flaws is showing him an unconditional kind of love, and this opens the door for him to show the same love back to that woman.

3. She cares for him

Before I begin, let’s make it clear that a mature man will NOT want you to replace mommy in his life. When I say care for him, I don’t mean fold all his laundry, clean up the mess of a frat-house, or cater to his every need. It’s the 21st century, people. But we can definitely care for a person in deeper ways than just taking care of their physical chores. A man does fall in love with a woman on a deeper level when she shows that she cares in the little, yet most meaningful, ways. Maybe he got the flu, so she checks in on him with some medicine and soup. Or she orders his favorite take-out when he’s had a rough week and puts on a movie that she knows he likes. Sometimes a hug in the right moment is worth more than a thousand words. These small moments are the times when a woman can show her man that she’s there for him as a support when he truly needs it, through thick and thin.

4. Positivity

There’s a reason that seasonal depression is a thing. We all need a little light in our lives. And, just sometimes, that little light can come in the form of a person. Having someone around you who is uplifting opens up your eyes to possibilities and positivity in your own life. If someone gives up on everything when the going gets a little rough, this reaction can be mirrored in their dating lives. The same is true vice versa. When a woman finds a way to move forward with a smile, regardless of obstacles, it shows an approach that will also make her a better partner. A man can easily find himself falling deeper in love with a woman who radiates joy. Now, let’s not be too naïve. Life isn’t all daisies and rainbows. Everyone has ups and downs. But someone’s outlook is the key to how they will overcome those downs and reach their next up.

5. Independence

The days of damsel in distress are over. Princesses have become Presidents in some countries, and the ladies are out here doing big things. Couples are slowly abandoning the traditional outlooks of our grandparents and aiming to grow more together – not with one person walking in front of the other. An independent woman takes care of herself, and forms a relationship for the emotional and physical bond. A man will notice quickly if your life is JUST HIM or if you’re living your life and inviting him to be a part of it. It takes two to tango. Any mature man who is looking for a serious and long-term relationship will look for one with an independent woman.

6. Passion

Life without passion is like a millennial without Wifi… useless. Totally joking. But it is true that passion is important. If all of our emotions were students in the same class, passion would be the popular kid who was really athletic and cool, but somehow still nice and friendly to everyone. Passion rocks. When a man sees a woman who has passion, he knows it’s likely that it resonates throughout her life. Maybe she’s passionate about a controversial topic, or about her job, or a hobby. Where ever that passion lies, it makes it probable that she will also bring passion into their relationship. A man will allow himself to reach a new level of love when his partner proves passion in their connection. And, no, I’m not just referring to making sparks between sheets. Passion is just as emotional as it can be physical, and it’s a way to truly connect with someone on an intense, new level. A great activity for anyone is to sit down and think of 1-3 things you’re passionate about. How can you incorporate more of these things into your life? Your future you – and maybe even your future hubby.

7. Opening up

Okay so when was the last time someone told you that? Probably at the dentist’s, doctor’s, or some other scenario you can keep private. In all of these situations, opening up has a purpose. In this video, the purpose is love. We have all heard time and time again that communication is central to having a strong, romantic relationship. How can we communicate well? By being honest and real. A man takes three big steps closer to loving deeply when the woman opens up to him. Opening up is allowing oneself to be vulnerable, showing trust in the person they are opening up to. A man feels a sense of pride in the fact that that woman chose him to confide in and talk to on such a deep level. This also gives him the opportunity to open up to her, which really builds up their connection.

8. Humor

Knock knock. Who’s there? Tank. Tank, who? You’re welcome. *Ha haaaa*. Ok, you might not be thanking me for that dad-joke, but you’ll definitely thank me for this simple piece of advice: Laugh. No, no, don’t just start laughing inappropriately like a weirdo. I meant; Laugh with your partner. Humor – at the right moments, of course – has been scientifically proven to strengthen the bond in a relationship. When a man sees a woman’s serious side, he knows there is stability for the long-term. But can you imagine spending the long term with someone who never makes you laugh? Luckily, we all have our own set of humor. When a man finds a woman, who can make him laugh, and one who also appreciates his own quirkiness and laughable moments, he is able to connect with a new, stronger, and more joyful set of emotions. You don’t have to be a stand-up comedian with your own Netflix show for that. You can even leave the lame knock-knock jokes at home. Just make sure to laugh, and laugh often. Life is too short to walk around like you have excessive amounts of Botox in your face.

9. Compatibility

This point, along with number 10, is one of the most important on this list. I’m sure you’re familiar with the phrase “Opposites attract.” While this may be true AT FIRST, it’s only a matter of time until opposites also clash. Can a man fall deeply in love with someone who sees differently than him on most topics and doesn’t share any of his interests? Sure. Is it likely? Absolutely not. You know that one guy who always starts a debate about something that happens to go against everything you believe in? Could you date someone like him? Yeah… thought so. He probably doesn’t like you. There are a ton of psych studies over the last ten years that conclude we are actually attracted to people who are similar to us. Once a man finds a woman who meshes with his ideas, likes and dislikes, it’s like finding a missing piece of the puzzle. You don’t have to be a carbon copy of each other – let’s not get creepy here – but the important pillars of your lives should definitely be in sync.

10. Sincerity

Most people are good at being human BS-detectors. Lots of us, men included, can tell when someone is being fake. While looks attract, men truly fall in love with inner qualities for the long-run, and they can’t see your real qualities if you’re over there trying to act like someone you’re not. Take off the Halloween costume and just… be you. If you put on a mask and pretend to have traits that aren’t really yours, it’s just an act. Acts are for movies, and all movies end. Eventually, the real you is going to come out. A man gives his all to a woman when she is genuine. Give him the real, the nitty-gritty, the down-to-the-bone 100% version of you. If he doesn’t love you for that, then it just wasn’t meant to be. But one thing is certain, when a man falls in love with someone who is sincere, it’s the deepest form of love that he can feel. The point is this: BE YOURSELF! You rock!

Overall, I hope a few of these elements were able to stick with you and help you in the long run. Right now, maybe you feel like your man isn’t connecting with you on the level that you want. That happens. The path of love is long and there are many different forks in the road. Having a man fall deeply in love takes time, and this is a process that is natural and can’t be rushed. While you can’t drag the man by the hair down the path of love, these few things can definitely help him pick up the pace to start speed-walking straight to your heart.

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