The Most Attractive Thing About You Based on Your Myers-Briggs Personality

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is one of the most widely used and well-known personality assessment tools. If you’ve ever taken the test, you would have found out which of the 16 Myers-Briggs personalities matched you the best and might have even learned a bit more about yourself. Since each personality is based on four dimensions, there is a lot of variety when it comes to what makes each type attractive… or not. Here is the most attractive thing about you based on your Myers-Briggs personality type.


ISTJs are reliable, and that is a huge turn-on when it comes to relationships. Inspectors do what they say they’ll do, go where they plan to go, and follow through on their commitments through and through. If you’re looking for dependability and stability, this personality type may be your dream come true.


ISFJs attract others with empathy. It’s easy to connect to protectors because they put themselves in their partner’s shoes and take the time to understand where the other person is coming from. They are especially a breath of fresh air for those who have lacked support, understanding, or care in other relationships.


INFJs have oh-so-sexy brains. Not literally, because it’s just a pile of pink mush, but their insightfulness is a magnet that pulls others to them. These counselors can share their input and wisdom to make you go “Aha! Of course!” and have epiphanies you would otherwise miss. Who wouldn’t be attracted to such enlightenment?


INTJs are masterminds of strategic thinking. This is the rational, quick-witted personality that analyzes and understands things almost as fast as they see them. Their partners will be awestruck at their abilities, loving at how fast life seems to move by their side.


ISTPs are called craftsmen and virtuosos because of their uncanny resourcefulness. If you’ve ever met someone who seemed to be able to build, fix, and do almost any project, they may have lured you in with their usefulness and curiosity. This ability to take on new challenges and find solutions to the unknown is sure to attract others.


ISFPs are the adventurers of the group. Their lives are full of expression and new experiences, which culminate in their most attractive feature – their explorative spirits. If you’re an ISFP, you’re constantly finding joy in everyday life and making even the mundane an adventure. By finding the excitement around you, you bring joy to those who join your quest.


INFPs have an air of dreaminess about them – and I’m not talking about their looks. By using their creativity and imagination, they have an idealistic perspective on life that is a refreshing change for most of us who run into too many negative Nancys in the day-to-day.


INTPs are logicians, which is like the sexy version of Sherlock Holmes. Their ability to dissect complex problems and theories can make your brain cells swoon. Trying to debate the existence of parallel universes over a cup of coffee? Sign me up!


If work was a party, ESTPs would be the ones throwing confetti. With their boundless energy and knack for taking risks, they’ve got that Wolf of Wall Street excitement with the big-business intimidation of Mr. Bezos. A little adventure, a little chaos, and a lot of success – what’s not to love?


ESFPs are entertainers, which means they can turn any yawn-fest Monday into the party of the month. They’re funny, they’re engaging, and they’re quick-witted. If you need a good laugh, they’re you’re go-to.


ENFPs will be your cheerleaders for life. Their optimistic support is the center of what makes them unique and attractive to others, turning even the most skeptical souls into hopeful believers. You can feel confident enough to share your hopes and dreams with this personality type in a safe space.


If you’ve ever seen Law and Order, you may have witnessed some good acting of the ENTP personality type. These are the debaters, crafting well-thought-out arguments and questioning the injustices around them. People are drawn to their ability to stand up for what they believe in, no matter what.


ESTJs are executives who represent tradition and order. Their reigning quality of dignity allows them to lead communities, guide in times of turmoil, and hold people together. Others are called to their firm leadership qualities that reign in large groups with ease.


ESFJs are the ultimate life organizers and emotional quarterbacks. You know that friend who somehow plans a surprise party for you and also knows your favorite color of socks? Yep, probably an ESFJ. Who wouldn’t love this kind of attention to detail?


ENFJs are protagonists, also seen as social butterflies who seem to make friends with everyone from the cashier at the grocery store to the old grandpa crossing the road. But why are we attracted to such extroverts? Well, they make you feel like the hero of your own story. By bringing out the best in others through their conversation and connection, ENFJs attract even more individuals to them like moths to a flame.


ENTJs are called commanders because they wield ambition like a shield. They take charge of any situation with grace, strength, and a furrowed brow. Need a project done yesterday? An ENTJ will hand-deliver it with a PowerPoint presentation to boot.

From ISTJs’ reliability to ENTJs’ commanding ambition, there’s an alluring quality in every corner of the personality spectrum. These key characteristics are what make us unique, plus what attract others to us as friends and romantic partners. What’s your most attractive trait? Let us know in the comments and I might share mine!

Check out: 6 Things only INFPs will understand but will never tell you.

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