What Do Men Want In A Relationship

What Do Men Want In A Relationship

Sometimes women don’t understand men, especially when it comes to what they want in a relationship. You might have an idea of what they want but it could sometimes be the opposite of it. In order to have a lasting and committed relationship, it is best if you know what guys are typically looking for in a relationship. The following 10 elements should help you have a better understanding of what men want in a relationship from you.

1. Communication

Communication comes first on the list because no relationship could actually work without it. If you want him to have a committed relationship with you, then proper commutation is key. Talk things out whether it’s about your feelings or ideas and thoughts you want to share with him. Some men can’t figure out your feelings and know what you actually want if you don’t tell him. For instance, if you are angry over something he did, take the initiative to inform him rather than hiding it from him or being passive aggressive about it. Also, don’t just say you are angry at him without clearly explaining the reason as to why. Proper communication will go a long way to make the both of you get along well with each other and also develop a long-lasting relationship.

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2. Inner beauty

Despite the fact that the looks matter for men, inner beauty is everything. Your personality is what will make him gravitate towards you and capture his attention. A relationship based solely on physical appearance won’t last, but if you have a good character and can carry yourself, you will definitely win the inner beauty contest. He wants a woman who he can comfortably bring home to meet his parents and also to show off to his friends. If you have a great personality and can relate to others, you are already on top of his list. So, work on having a great inner beauty because you can’t just fix it overnight with makeup.

If you’re interested check this out: How to compliment a guy on his personality

3. Personal Space

Every man wants their me time when he can do his own things and hang out with his friends. That’s why it’s important you give him some space and not be attached to him every minute. The best way to put it, is respect his personal space. Everyone has their own life and different interests they like. For example, you might have your own friends that you go out with from time to time. That goes the same for him and so let him have his time with them without sticking to him 24/7. Give him his space and trust him so he can become a better man overall.

4. Maturity

This especially goes for emotional maturity. Men want a woman with solid emotions and has a control over it. A relationship will not work if you are constantly getting upset over every little thing. One minute you are happy and loving, the next minute you are throwing a tantrum over something that he doesn’t know. These kind of emotional roller coasters will make him think that you’re slightly crazy. They want a woman with consistent emotions and someone who will actually put the problems on the table so that both of you can come up with a solution. So, do be mature about things and don’t ride those emotional roller coasters.

5. Some fun

Relationships would be boring and dull if there aren’t any fun and memorable moments to keep. We live in a world where most of us are busy with work and we hardly have enough time to have fun. However, most men take fun as a way of letting go of stress and pressure from work and other problems. This is the reason why he will appreciate you more if you set aside some time to have fun together. For instance, you can watch a football game together or go out on a hike. Simply do things with him that will make time together enjoyable. When you guys hang out, avoid being negative and don’t be a complainer. This will only spoil the moment and the reason why you are there in the first place. You guys are supposed to have fun and forget about all your problems. So, at the end of the day, it’s all about the experience and the memories you share that will make you two stay, together. When you are a fun person, he will want to be around you more, therefore enhancing the relationship.

6. Respect

This is another important element in every relationship. It cannot be emphasized enough. Respect is everything to a man. This includes work, friends, and family and just about everyone. A man wants to feel that you respect him for who he is and what he does. If you belittle him, the more he will distance himself from you and eventually avoid you. One thing you should keep in mind is that the respect you have for a man goes a long way to prove that you care about him. In other words, treat him the way you want to be treated. On the flip side, if you don’t respect each other, there won’t be a relationship to begin with. So, if you want him, then respect him. In return, he will respect you.

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7. Approval

Every man wants to be the knight in shiny armor in the relationship. In other words, men like feeling that they are heroes. That is why you have to praise him from time to time and this shouldn’t just be when he does something nice. You can praise him when you notice he is wearing a sharp suit to work or when he accomplishes something that’s hard. Just anything genuine to make him feel good about himself. Also, don’t forget to tell him the things you like about him and what you find attractive in him. This is something that some people would never do. At the end of the day, he wants to feel loved and that you are there for him during his highs and lows in life. All of this is what will help you build a stronger relationship.

8. Accepting him for him

While there are those minor bad habits about a man that can be changed, there are also those that cannot be change at all. As a matter of fact, trying to do so will only work against you and only draw him away from you. The best thing to do is accept him the way he is with all his flaws and shortcomings. Also, be the person who supports him and motivates him to become a better man rather than trying to change him. Acceptance is what will give him that push to become better man.

9. Security

Uncertainty can sometimes be the culprit to many fail relationships. A man will find it hard to commit probably because he does not feel secure in the relationship. If you are not reliable or if he feels that he cannot trust you, then he will only see you as a friend and not a potential partner. Some men will not want a relationship in which you will suddenly end the relationship after several months of being together. He needs to know and feel that you are in it to stay so that he can invest his time in the relationship. A sense of security doesn’t only apply in this case, it is also your ability to trust and believe in him.

10. Sexual connection

This is another key factor in a relationship that mostly appeals to men than to women. Intimacy is what connects couple together. It is this that will make him feel more comfortable and free around you. In a relationship, there should be some kind of affection and intimacy. In this case, it is best if you talked to him so you know what makes him feel loved. Without a sense of sexual connection in the relationship, he will feel like you’re just a friend than actually your lover. In addition, don’t forget that romance is another vital part in a relationship.

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Overall, if you are able to fully understand and get an idea on what a man really wants, then everything else will gradually fall into place. However, don’t lose yourself while trying to do everything you think he would want in a relationship. Let it be a two-way kind of relationship and not just a give-and-take relationship. At the end of the day, don’t rush things and be desperate. If you do, you’ll just be blinded and won’t find your prince charming. So there you have it 10 things to know what men want in a relationship. Hope this helps and good luck!

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