What Men Find Attractive In Women

What Men Find Attractive In Women

Some men are mysterious and for them, you can’t exactly tell what they find attractive in women. But there’s a general idea of what they like. I mean after going through this video, you’ll find it easy to agree to what I say. Because after all, some characteristics overlap for both side for males and females. With that being said, here are 22 characteristics and attributes on what men find attractive in women.

1. Intelligence

This is definitely one of the top characteristics. A man would feel more attracted to a woman who is knowledgeable. You have to be a woman who sees ahead and has ambition. You should never be afraid of showing a man just how intelligent you are because you feel it might scare him off. On the flip side, that’ll just impress him even more. However, don’t go overboard with it. Show your intelligence but not in a way that will make him feel small.

2. Smiles

As the saying goes, ‘beauty is power, a smile is its sword’. What’s the need of having a beautiful face with no smile on it? A man is easily mesmerized by a woman who has a beautiful smile and is always smiling. Besides, an ever-smiling person is ultimately a happy person. Now who doesn’t want to be around someone who is happy and shows it through a warm and charming smile? That’s what most man will find attractive in a woman.

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3. Shorter in height

This is one of the common traits that most men find attractive. You will notice that they prefer the woman to be shorter than them. If she is towering over him, then he will feel a bit intimidated. Some men want to be the dominating one so women who are tall doesn’t exactly portray this idea.

4. A good sense of humor

There is nothing wrong with laughing out loud or giggling at everything a man says that you think is funny. As a matter of fact, that is what will make him want to be around you even more. Any man will feel turned off by a female who is not able to recognize or even appreciate his efforts to make her laugh. To some men, such a woman is boring and too serious to date or even have a long-term relationship with. If you want to get a man’s attention, laugh more at his jokes even when they are corny.

5. Romantic

What will make you stand out as a woman and actually make him find you attractive is your ability to be romantic. Most women will wait for a man to do everything such as planning those candle light dinners or sending flowers. However, it will earn you some points if you went out of your way to do something romantic for a man. He will definitely appreciate this.

6. Respect

Nobody would want to be around with a disrespectful person, the same goes for men. Men like women who not only respect them but also other people. This is because if he is looking forward to a long-term relationship with you, he wants someone who can relate with others as well.

Check out: How To Earn Respect From People

7. Feminine side

Every woman has her feminine side and there is nothing wrong with showing it off to everyone. If you can’t go a day without your high heels, don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. If you want to put makeup on and act girly, then do it. Most guys probably avoid female body builders and that’s okay because men who are looking for girls are probably not looking for women body builders or someone who is physically tough. Now I’m not saying body builders don’t have a feminine side, I’m just saying that they probably would avoid women who are more built then them.

8. High voice

Apparently, men link a high-pitched voice in a woman as being youthful and feminine. This makes them more attracted to women with a slightly higher pitch. In a man’s mind, a high-pitched voice portrays a sweet woman and one with a small body. They view this characteristic as one that is less likely to bring about arguments.

9. Nice hair

This is probably the reason why women will spend hours in the salon just to make sure their hair looks perfect. Men find it attractive when you have nicely done and healthy hair. Most men would prefer long hair than short hair but it’s just preference. The thing with long hair is that it makes a woman more feminine. If you want to get his attention, make sure your hair is glowing and the rest will follow.

10. Wider hips

This doesn’t necessarily mean you got to have very wide hips for a man to find you attractive. What I mean by wider hips is its ratio in relation to the waist. Men like it when the waist is smaller and the hips are wider. Whatever the size of your hips is, their preference is in the waist being small.

11. Confidence

Men look for confident women. That one woman who believes in herself, her capabilities and has her life together. He will see you as the type of woman who is hard to get to and is challenging. Believe it or not, there is nothing men love more than a challenge.

Check out: How to love yourself and be confident

12. Honesty

Honesty is a characteristic that everyone should have. If you want to establish a long-term relationship with a man, then you have to be honest with him. He will be attracted to you more if he sees that you are an honest person.

13. Long legs

Men are visual creatures and it’s no wonder that the length of a woman’s legs would matter to them. Apparently, men attribute long legs to health and fertility both of which are things they would want in a woman. Additionally, when it comes to body type they prefer women who are short in height but their legs are long. High heels tend to make the legs look longer and this may be one of the reasons they are liked so much.

14. Little or no makeup

Makeup is what enhances the features in a woman and makes them look more beautiful. However, this does not appeal to most men. Wear less makeup and you might be surprised to realize how much men find you attractive. You don’t have to totally quit using makeup but using just a little bit of it will make you look stunning and beautiful. In the end, this will go a long way to make you stand out from the rest of the crowd.

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15. Independence

This all comes down to having a life of your own. Most men would like some kind of personal space. It will be quite annoying if you are always hovering around him. On the other hand, if you are the kind of a woman with her own life, this characteristic is what will get him to notice you. Independence is everything, you don’t have to run to him with every little situation you face. Showing that you can handle yourself and you are not extremely needy is a turn on for men.

16. The color red

It is no wonder why some women will go for red dresses when going out on dates. Some men would think that a woman dressed in red is simply captivating. This is a color that is associated with passion, power and love which might be a contributing factor to why men like it. Therefore, if you want to get his attention consider investing in some cute red outfits.

17. Cleanliness

It may seem quite odd that men look at cleanliness as an attractive trait in a woman, but it’s actually something important to them. It will obviously be a turn off for him if your closet is disorganized and packed with dirty clothes or if your bathroom is not clean. Men want to be with someone who is clean and keeps things perfectly organized. This trait is attractive to them because they all look for a wife who can organize things together.

18. Being friendly

There is nothing that will get him fascinated by you more than your ability to be friendly and to treat others with kindness. A man wants that kind of a girl who can easily interact with everyone and especially his friends without judging them. Besides, friendly people are just attractive overall.

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19. Be yourself

The best thing to do is just to be yourself. Trying to change who you are just to please him or make him like you may not work in the long run. In the end, who you really are will always come out to light. So, do not be afraid to be you.

20. Ovulation

It may sound weird, but in real sense, men find women more attractive during this time of their menstrual cycle. This is probably brought about by all the hormonal changes that takes place during ovulation. These hormonal changes tend to make women become more appealing and desirable. For instance, there may be a change in the body scent or the color of the lips. All these things enhance attraction.

21. Maturity

This doesn’t necessarily mean a woman has to be older in terms of age. It all comes down to how you act and carry yourself as a woman. Not a lot of men would like a woman who is immature. They all want someone who is grown, not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally.

22. Loyalty

No one likes being betrayed. There’s nothing more attractive than being loyal. That’s when you know you can fully trust your potential partner and not be jealous. Loyalty is everything in a relationship along with honesty. Having these two characteristic and being able to show it means a lot for couples. You might have heard this a lot but I’m going to remind you again. Do not ever cheat!

Overall, these all these characteristics that I just mentioned may not be ideal for everyone. Everyone has their own preferences and I can’t change that. There can be guys who prefer woman who are lazy and unorganized or simply don’t care at all. This is just to give you an insight of what men find attractive in women.

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