When You Feel Attracted To Someone Do They Feel It Too?

When You Feel Attracted To Someone Do They Feel It Too?

So, I’ve been asked. When you feel attracted to someone do they feel it too? Now this depends. If you’re taking action to do something to get yourself notice, then most likely, yes. But if not and you’re thinking about something or trying to telepathically communicate with someone, then no. I think last time I check, my genes aren’t mutated nor did I inherit some superpowers to tell people to subscribe to me. But since we’re on that note, can I ask you to gently tap the subscribe button so I can show my friends that I do indeed have telekinesis. Then they’ll think I’m weird and probably just leave me. Anyway, going back to the original question, the feeling will be present if you make it known to the other person and that’s by taking action. And here’s 10 ways on how someone would feel it but the list is not entirely exhaustive.

1. You’re overly friendly

I would know if someone is being way to nice to me. Like for instance, if I needed something or needed help on something and without any hesitation, they do it in a heartbeat. Like I know there’s something up. I can literally feel their presence. And over time, if you are constantly like that, being super friendly, nice, and warming towards them, they can get a sense that you are attracted them. So yes, they’ll feel it. But they just don’t tell you up front and end up telling their friends about it or go online sharing their feelings on my comment section. And who knows maybe one day, you’ll find your crush on here sharing their feelings. I’m just saying.

2. You’re nervous in front of them

For those who get nervous in front of their crush, they can obviously feel that. Maybe you’re stuttering, shaking, or even hyperventilating. I mean there’s no reason to act like that unless they are intimidating or that person is the love of your life and you try to keep calm but your brain isn’t letting you. They’ll feel that uneasy vibe from you and they could either interpret that as being shy or cute. So, it’ll either propel them away from you or towards you. I don’t know some people do like that.

3. You talk about being single

If you’re always talking about how you’re always free to do things and how you’re always single, sooner or later, they’ll probably get the hint. You know how I know. This actually happened to my friend. A girl did it to him multiple times; it got to the point where she was arranging her schedule to fit his schedule. And even as an outsider, I felt that she was already catching feelings for him. So, if an outsider can feel it, I’m pretty sure, that person can feel it as well.

4. You’re always available for them

This one goes hand in hand with the last point I made. When you feel attracted to someone, you’re going to make time for them because that’s the only person you want to be with. Whether they’re busy or not, they’ll feel it because time is valuable and if you’re skipping something to hang out with them, they’ll feel it.

5. Your prolonged stare

When you’re attracted to someone, you’re going to stare at them. You can’t tell me that you don’t. But when you do stare at someone, the receiver will feel something. Whether it’s a creepy vibe or that dreamy vibe. But if it’s that dreamy vibe, then there’s a mutual attraction. And then you’re only a few steps away from asking them out.

6. You both connect

This should be an obvious one. If you both are talking for long hours and going deep into the conversations, then they would feel it. It’s the way they talk and how they express themselves to you. Being open and sharing personal insight of their life is a way that they feel comfortable with you. That is if you’re opening up to them and making yourself feel vulnerable. If not, you can’t expect the other person to do the same.

7. Your body language

When your hormones are raging, your body will somewhat want to gravitate towards that person. If so, you’re obviously into them, and they’ll know it too because why would you be so close to them, invading their personal space? Depending on the person, they might like you to be flirty, cute, or the reverse, they don’t like you at all because you’re flat out creepy. But they’ll for sure feel something.

8. You both are happy

This will definitely rub onto them. When you feel attracted to someone, you’ll naturally feel happy and be thanking the lord for blessing your soul. Just like how laughing is contagious. Happiness is also contagious. When you’re happy and express it, they’ll feel it. It’s the joy and comfort that they are looking for. I mean naturally that’s what people want and if you’re able to express that part of the feelings, they’ll surely feel it from you.

9. They’ll miss you

Let say you both already know each other and made a few encounters already. You for sure know that you’re attracted to that person, but you don’t know if they are attracted to you. And so, let say one day you were busy doing something and you totally forgot to reply or call back that person, but instead, they decided to reach out to you, again. If that’s the case, you already know they probably have the same feelings towards you. It’s like they’re missing you and they are reacting to that feeling or maybe they’re just bored. I mean if you want, you can try to pretend to be busy for that one day and test if they reach out to you, again. But that’s all up to you.

10. Their nonverbal cues give it away

So, I mentioned a few nonverbal cues earlier but I just want to cover my basis one more time. And here it goes. Be on the lookout for giggles, smiles, or dilated pupils. Constant movement or fidgeting are also signs, and it might appear that they want to leave, but they aren’t going anywhere. Probably nervous. Frequent touches on any body parts are surefire signs. Just think about it, why would someone do it if they aren’t interested in someone. Oh, and you can’t forget about the look. I can’t really explain or describe the look to you, but if you receive the look, you’ll know. It’s not the same as the prolong stare. It’s completely different. You’ll just feel it and if you have to ask, then that’s the look.

Overall, what you’re thinking or telepathically doing won’t translate well to how they feel because you would not know. In order for someone to feel anything, you just simply have to express yourself to them. And when you express yourself to them, they’ll feel it and show it, but sometimes they won’t tell you anything and make you guess. Yeah that’s the frustrating part. At that point, your best bet is talk to them and try to sort things out.

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