10 Traits of a High Value Woman

Having value means that something or someone is worthy, useful, or important, and meets certain principles or standards. While everyone has some value, achieving a high level of it takes effort. Luckily, value is something we can also work on every day if we want to improve ourselves. That’s why today I’m breaking down 10 traits of a high value woman.

1. She’s self-confident.

If you told everyone that you hated your job and that it was the worst position in the world, most people wouldn’t want to apply for that position. The same concept works for value. If you aren’t confident in yourself and your abilities, how can you expect others to be? You simply can’t. A high value woman knows her strengths and works with them. She takes on new situations with a grain of salt, staying confident but never crossing the line into cocky.

Check out: How to love yourself and be confident

2. She knows her worth.

Stemming off self-confidence is self-worth. Confidence is how sure you are of yourself, but worth is how much you value yourself as a person. A high value woman knows her worth and sets standards to meet them. She doesn’t let guys treat her any less than she deserves, which is like a queen. She stops those who plan to take advantage of her at work and speaks out when she doesn’t agree with something that’s happening around her.

3. She is empathetic.

A confident, high and mighty woman won’t fare well if she isn’t humble enough to connect with others. Valuable people also find value in those around them, encouraging and motivating others in their lives. Friends and partners find this lady to be of high value because she’s dependable and a great shoulder to lean on if you need one.

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4. She’s mature.

You can’t grow or be the most empathetic version of yourself if you’re still immature. Immaturity is usually wrapped up with selfishness and low emotional intelligence. No one is going to find you to be high value if you think the world revolves around you and throw a hissy fit whenever things don’t go your way. Instead, a high value woman is mature and adaptable.

5. She’s elegant.

An elegant woman is graceful, stylish, and sophisticated. She dresses to impress –mainly herself – but avoids being flashy or calling too much attention. She knows that style also includes attitude, so you must not only look good but act appropriately. You’ll never see her out in public looking frazzled or like she just rolled out of bed.

6. She is always growing.

A high value woman wasn’t born that way; she got to be where she is by consistently trying to grow in intelligence, experience, and as a person overall. You’ll find her reading, networking, traveling, nurturing her relationships, taking classes, and pursuing new hobbies she has always had an interest in.

7. She’s passionate.

Everyone has something unique to them that gets them excited and animated. A high value woman has either found her passion or is on the road to finding it. It could be her job or one of her side hobbies, but one thing is clear – when she speaks about this thing, she seems to glow and become an even more beautiful version of herself. She loves to share it with others and show what she’s interested in. Even if it’s something you’ve never glanced at twice on your own, you’ll find yourself captivated when she talks about it because of the passion she exudes.

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8. She takes care of herself.

Taking care of yourself includes things like eating right, doing exercise, and making time for meditation and good mental health practices. Most of us fail in at least one of these areas, which is normal, but a high value woman will try her best to work on each aspect every week. She may not be able to hit all three in a day – she is human, after all – but she prioritizes being the best physical version of herself and treats her body with respect.

9. She’s never a victim.

A high value woman won’t have everything gifted to her on a silver platter. She’s going to have moments of failure or disappointment. The difference between her and an average value woman is that she doesn’t let these situations serve as excuses. You’ll never hear her say that something happened because of this or that – she says what happened, analyzes the situation at its foundation, and makes a plan of how she will move forward and learn a lesson from it all.

10. She values all parts of herself, good and bad.

During some of these challenging moments, this woman might experience a part of herself that isn’t that great. Maybe she behaves incorrectly or makes the wrong decision; it’s bound to happen sometime. No matter what the case is, a high value woman won’t let this define her. She accepts that she has flaws, but also knows that she’s a constant work in progress. She is open to apologizing when she makes a mistake and rectifies any hurts she might have caused.


Do you or someone you know check off some of these traits of a high value woman? Are you trying to take on any of these characteristics, or do you think you have a few that weren’t mentioned? Let me know in the comments!

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