15 Signs of an Intelligent Person

Most of us associate straight-A’s with being intelligent. While grades could play a part, there are a lot of other factors that show someone’s intelligence. If you aren’t clear on the difference between being smart and intelligent, take a look at my other video, “10 Habits of Smart People.” If you are curious on how to spot an intelligent person. Well, here are 15 signs of an intelligent person. Maybe you’ll be able to spot one at school or at work to help you on a project. I’m just saying.

1. They ask a lot of questions.

Some people might mistakenly think that intelligent people already know all of the answers. While they may know some answers, intelligent people are always striving to expand upon what they already know. They may ask a million clarifying questions that will help them solve not only current problems but future ones as well.

2. They challenge basic ideas.

Aligning with their way of questioning, intelligent people sometimes appear to go against the status quo. Their ideas may seem outlandish and abnormal simply because they’re the first of their kind. The average person fears change because it is the unknown, but the intelligent person faces change like a kid on Christmas.

3. They share their knowledge (but not in a braggy way).

Intelligent people have no need to brag because their success will do it for them. What they do tend to enjoy, purely for the fun of it, is sharing the knowledge they find so interesting. You’ll often hear them going on about something they love in so much detail, you’ll feel like you’re watching a live documentary on the subject!

4. They don’t watch much TV.

I’m talking about mainly reality TV. We all love a good show to distract us now and again, but how often do we actually watch a show that surprises us? Good scripts are hard to find nowadays. Intelligent people know this and have given up reality TV as a source of entertainment. They are more enthralled by less predictable things, like natural wonders and new knowledge. I mean sometimes you can throw in the superhero stuff.

Check out: 10 Things young people need to learn before it’s too late

5. They exercise.

While you may not picture an intelligent person to be buff, they do understand the importance of physical movement for their health. I mean, would you really be considered intelligent if you excelled in school but didn’t know the importance of exercise?

6. They minimize distractions.

TV, predictable as it is, still has the power to keep us glued to our seats for hours at a time. The same can be said for time-wasting social media apps or games on our phones or computers. Intelligent people know that time wasted is time lost, and they aren’t willing to give up their time without gaining something in return.

7. They are always trying to be more productive.

Intelligent people don’t work harder – they work smarter. Being efficient is not the same as over-working. They look to maximize productivity while minimizing effort where possible.

8. They wake up early…OR stay up late.

No matter which sleep schedule they choose, they still sleep a consistent 7-8 hours per night. There’s no point in pulling an all-nighter if you fall asleep during your exam. Intelligent people know that a rested mind provides real results.

Check out: How to fall asleep when not tired

9. They prioritize their health.

These people don’t stop at having a healthy sleep cycle. A true sign of an intelligent person is when their health is prioritized, period. This means being conscious of what they put into their body, and making executive decisions that place their health first. This doesn’t mean that intelligent people don’t indulge now and again; they simply know how to have a successful, balanced lifestyle.

10. They don’t take no for an answer.

If you see someone who is persistent in reaching their goals, you are looking straight at a sign of an intelligent person. These people don’t give up without a fight. They do know the difference between being pushy and being assertive, so don’t confuse them for the belligerent people who scream to get their way. They will be crafty and direct in their approach… without being rude.

11. They are filers, not pilers.

I once had a job interview where I was asked if I was a piler or a filer. You can understand the gist of what this implies; it’s basically asking, “Are you conventionally organized?” While pilers may have a rhyme and reason within their chaos of piles, files are the sign of the typical, intelligent person, which is being organized.

12. They dedicate time to their goals.

Intelligent people know what matters, and they will be sure to focus on those things. Their agenda will always carve time out towards working on themselves and their goals.

Related: How to achieve goals (7 Tips)

13. They simplify their schedules.

Continuing on the efficiency train, another sign of an intelligent person would be a concise schedule. They make time for the necessities and eliminate anything that can be avoided. Intelligent people know how to delegate, so their schedule won’t look like an unsolvable math equation.

14. They control their emotions.

Another sign of intelligence that is often overlooked is emotional intelligence. This is when someone knows how to reign in and control their feelings. You’d be surprised how many adults DON’T have this very important trait…
15. They admit to their mistakes. Even the most intelligent person knows they aren’t the only genius in the world. They will own up to their mistakes and take note of it moving forward. There’s no room for proud egos.


As always, not everyone will be perfect and have all these signs. But an intelligent person will exhibit them. And if you want to figure out who is the intelligent one in the room, try pinning them to these signs. The more signs they check off, it’s more likely they are intelligent in their own way. So there you have it 15 signs of an intelligent person.

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