Great Style Options for Formal Suits This Autumn

Autumn is the perfect season for many. The leaves change colors, the air gets a little brisker, and many amazing fashion options are available during this season. You may want to consider some of the great style options for formal suits this autumn if you’re attending any important events this season, like weddings or other gatherings. You can transform any suit from a generic look that works for any occasion to something that makes a noticeable splash and puts you in a festive mood.

Consider Autumn Colors

Autumn is the best season to wear earthier colors like oranges, yellows, and browns. You can wear suits in these more festive colors or try something a little different. Some people don’t feel as comfortable in full seasonal color suits. One option is to start with a gray suit and use fall colors for your shirt or tie. Gray suits are dark enough that they still work for formal occasions but light enough so they won’t clash with other colors.

Utilize Accessories

One of the best style options for formal suits this autumn is to focus on your accessories. Pocket squares are an accessory that will make your tuxedo stand out. Accessorizing your suit can be something new you add, like a cummerbund or a vest, and it can be a way to play with different styles. For example, the autumn season is a great time to try out a necktie with a different pattern, like a nice plaid or something that complements the style and color of your shirt.

Different Materials

Because autumn weather can be a little chillier, many great suits for this season are available in thicker, warmer materials. You can wear a formal suit with a wool jacket, or a nice corduroy suit is perfect for outdoor occasions. Experimenting with different materials can keep you warm and comfortable while still looking your best. We recommend having a vest beneath your jacket when wearing a thicker suit in case you need to remove it when you step inside or if it starts getting a little too warm.

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