How To Tell If Someone Likes You During Quarantine

How To Tell If Someone Likes You During Quarantine

Staying at home was a weekend luxury accompanied by the joys of sleeping in. Nowadays, most of us are stuck at home whether we like it or not, with too much time and sleep on our hands. While we are watching every Netflix show known to man, between episodes we have memories and dreams of life outside of quarantine. It’s important to stay in contact with our friends and loved ones and be connected, even while we are socially isolated. In fact, some people might even be taking this time to build a stronger relationship with someone. Yes, indeed, it is still possible to flirt and form a connection during the quarantine. The important aspect of this is to make sure that the connection is real, and not just another way to avoid boredom. So here are 10 ways to tell if someone truly likes you during quarantine.

1. They try to keep you entertained

In the early days of our quarantine, it was a joy to have free time. We finished our assignments, organized our rooms, finally caught up on our favorite series until… we finished all of that. Then enters; boredom. If you have someone in your life who is constantly trying to keep you entertained in this scenario, it’s almost like having someone come to rescue. Maybe they send you funny memes, videos, or book recommendations, or even TikTok videos. In addition to that, they might even start a friendly online game with you. This person is going to make sure they share fun ideas that come to their mind with you, because they truly want you to be having a good time. All of this effort doesn’t go unnoticed, and it’s possible that they’re offering you more than just a helping hand.

2. They video call you

In the world of texts, DM’s, tweets and TikToks, it’s a rare moment when our phone starts buzzing and we see a phone call. And when it does ring, it’s usually a telemarketer or some spam voice recordings talking about insurance. Yeah. The lack of socializing during quarantine has brought a newer, even more direct form of calling – the videocall. If you have someone who has video-called you during quarantine, it’s possible that they have just fell into boredom and are trying to be social. If that same person has video-called you multiple times or you’re chatting for hours, that is a different story. Video-calling is a new level of personal touch. A regular friend might video call you once during the quarantine, and then stick to the usual chat in messages. This person, though, chooses to see your face, messy hair and pajamas on more than one occasion. This is more than just a chit-chat, there is definitely some strong emotion under those calls. If you want, you can check out: When you feel attracted to someone do they feel it too?

3. They worry about how you’re doing

If you’re healthy at home during quarantine, you have more luck than some other people. While it’s easy to get caught up in complaining of being stuck, it’s important to remember that we are quarantined because of a harmful health hazard. If you have someone in your life who is constantly asking about your state of mind or health, this is a true sign that this person cares about you. I am not talking about the person who occasionally asks you, “How is it going pal?” I am talking about an individual who genuinely asks you how you’re feeling, both mentally and physically. This person might even worry enough to ask how your loved ones and family members are getting by. Think about this for a moment; There are millions of people who are quarantined right now, but this person is specifically focused on YOU. So, they might be up to something.

4. They try to motivate you

Being stuck inside, although for our own good, could wreak its own havoc in our lives. It’s hard to find the enthusiasm to get things done and look forward to the future when so much seems to be up in the air. If you have someone in your life who is constantly trying to brighten your day and motivate you, you’re lucky. This person is dedicating their own motivation and energy into trying to improve your day-to-day. They have no personal gain from this situation – they can’t even see the smile they bring to your face. And I’m sure there is something else they could be doing that requires less effort on their part. All in all, this person truly wants to see you succeed and grow, even in difficult times. Isn’t this a part of being in a relationship? Yeah, this person obviously likes you and is trying to put their best girlfriend or boyfriend foot forward!

5. They make future plans with you

Being in quarantine brings up a lot of uncertainties. No one knows when things will go back to normal, or even what the new normal will be. That being said, there’s a lot to say about someone who can look past the unpredictability of the current day and still make optimistic plans for the future. This is a key sign that this person likes you and is interested in you romantically. While conversations and jokes are great to keep us busy when we’re stuck at home, if this person is asking you to hangout and to solidify in-person plans far into the future, they obviously are planning to BE WITH YOU in the future. They aren’t just wasting your quarantine-time, they’re building on it to follow it up with some even better face-to-face moments, when the quarantine is lifted. Click here for 20 cheap date ideas once this is all over.

6. They make good conversations (even though there’s nothing new to talk about)

If you’ve been in quarantine more than a couple of days, you’ll start to notice that conversations slowly become shorter and shorter. Eventually, you’ll start talking about the same subject or news headline everyday with few new stories in between. Things get old fast. If you have a friend that seems to have a knack for making good conversations out of a bad situation, you have a goldmine. Yes, you have the obvious benefit of having good chats. But the real gold here is that you have a person who is really putting in work to keep you engaged and interested. Chances are, you’re not going to meet someone new and fall in love during quarantine. Even so, this person is trying their hardest to stay in your vision. They want to ensure that you two keep communicating and developing your friendship because they hope that, eventually, that friendship can become a real relationship. You can check out how to keep a conversation going with a guy or you can check out how to keep a conversation going with a girl.

7. They’re attentive

It’s easy to fall into the blurry world of quarantine. Sometimes we even don’t know what day of the week it is or the last time we put on jeans. The TV shows seem to go in one ear and out of the other. Parts of our brains seem to stop absorbing information and turn into mush. Or is that just me? It’s in these moments where you’ll be pleasantly surprised when your friend seems to remember the important things about you, and sticks around as a constant support. If you need them, even if it’s for something silly during the quarantine blues, they are there to offer an ear or help in any – distanced – way they can. This person isn’t attentive to you for any reason except that they’re genuinely interested in you.

8. They are romantic from afar

Nowadays some people are attaching their phone numbers on drones and asking people if they want to go on virtual dates. And there are people who agree to it. While this is a super-insanely-unique and romantic gesture, my point is this; Romance is alive, no matter the situation. If this person is finding ways to be romantic and flirt with you from a distance, I’m going to have to give them major points. Times like these force us to be creative, and we’re only going to be that way if we truly like someone. Maybe they’ve emailed you a cute e-card, planned a virtual date, or even bought you something off of Amazon. The internet is full of ideas. The fact is, if that person likes you and wants to be romantic with you, they will find a way to do it.

9. They talk to you every day

In the same way that conversations can become repetitive in quarantine, so can activities. The truth is that, things get old quick. Soon you run out of episodes, or books, or the desire to do a home workout. The same thing, sadly, happens between people. Someone who might be interested in you spends a few weeks talking to you and then drops off. Flaky. If you have a person who is constantly talking to you without fail, you know they’re interested and likes you. You aren’t going anywhere – no one is – and this person knows that you’ll still be at home if they don’t speak to you for a few days. The daily check-ins and chats are because this person truly enjoys the bond that you two share. This is almost like commitment. Just imagine if you gave them a real shot at romance. Check out these: 10 easy conversation starters that always work.

10. They compliment you on non-physical things

Fashion has now gone out of the window. PJs and sweats are now the new look, and when was the last time you washed your hair? If you have someone in your life who is still shooting you compliments, these comments are going to be about more than just your looks. It’s easy to go crazy when you have a good-looking person in front of you, but a relationship takes more than just physical attraction. If this person truly likes you, they’re going to tell you some of the reasons why they like you. These reasons will be disguised as compliments. Are they complimenting you on your humor, your conversation, or how caring you are? Whatever it is, by listening to these compliments you’ll soon learn what that other person really likes about you. If you want, check out: How to compliment a guy on his personality.

Although being quarantined is a strange and difficult time, it is also a time for new beginnings. When the quarantine is lifted and we try to go back to our routines, life will go on. If you’ve noticed that someone in your life presents most of these signs, you can safely say that they like you! A person who is putting in effort to build a relationship with you during these uncertain times shows dedication that is sure to persist in the future. And, let’s be real here, you currently have a lot of extra time on your hands. Why not get to know this person a little better to see if you like them too? Maybe this quarantine cutie can turn into the love of your life! But anyways, stay safe and healthy!

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