Why Is She Ignoring Me If She Likes Me?

So why is she ignoring me if she likes me? I’m not a girl so I don’t know. But it doesn’t mean I can’t ask a girl or two or three or in this case 5. The things I go and do for you guys. So, after doing hours of chit chatting and going inside the minds of multiple females. I came up with 10 theories. And yes, they are only theories. Because I know there are a few internet trolls who are going to be like, “Nah, this is fake.” I mean these are just theories to help you guys out. Everyone is different.

1. She is overthinking things

If she likes you, she might want to make everything feel right. In the process, she might have already analyzed hundreds of outcomes and questioned herself thousands of time. “Do I look good?” “How’s this outfit?” “Is this too much makeup?” “What if he doesn’t like this?” “What is he thinking right now?” “Am I too obvious?” These overwhelming scenarios and unanswered questions can hinder her to move forward. So, instead of taking action, she backs away. Because in her mind she knows that she can’t lose if she doesn’t try. Well played, girl. And this happens a lot when a girl ignores you but likes you.

2. She is just friendly

Okay she could just be super nice and friendly to everyone because she’s just a nice person in general. She probably only likes you as a friend and nothing more. It’s okay, you can cry now. If you’re interested, here are 5 steps to get out of the friend zone fast.

3. She wants you to make the first move

Some girls are shy. People just don’t like rejections. If she likes you, she’ll pay attention to you and will always acknowledge you. But when she feels that you don’t acknowledge her or pay attention to her, it’ll feel like you’re ripping her heart apart. So, if you think she’ll ever gather the confidence to come up to you, well, think again. Because there’s always that possibility where you will say, “no” and reject her and you’ll shatter her heart. Her best bet is to just to stay away from you.

4. You can emotionally hurt her

Do you tell yourself, “I know she likes me but she avoids me, constantly.” Well, she could be building a wall towards you. Trying to be insensitive when in reality she is highly sensitive. When girls are in love, they could be very vulnerable, illogical and thoughts clouded by that special someone. If she gives you her heart, she really really wants you to take care of it and not break it. Because the moment she is emotionally invested in you and falls for you, you have the power to hurt her. If she is emotionally damaged, she won’t recover easily, especially when it’s her first love. At this point, you should be able to say, “maybe that’s why she is ignoring me because she likes me.”

5. She wants you to notice her more

Yeah, this is pretty much like playing mind games here. She thinks that by not doing anything or doing the exact opposite of things will get your attention. Again, this is just a theory why she might be ignoring you. Don’t shoot the messenger here. I’m just providing you with the information.

6. She doesn’t want to always be available for you

This one is simple, she doesn’t want to make herself feel like she’s an easy catch. Even though she really wants to be with you, she has to focus on herself. If she just says “yes” to everything and hangs out with you all the time, her productivity will go down. She might also want to have a successful life, you know. Unless you’re rich and loaded and you could support her. In the meantime, you can also adopt me as a son. All I want is just $20,000 a month… in USD.

7. Poor timing

So you found out “this shy girl likes me but ignores me,” and you’re head is just spinning trying to understand. Like when you’re messaging her, inviting her to places, or just wanting to jump into a relationship. She could just have those moments where she’s busy or just currently not in the moment to be in a relationship, just yet. At the end of the day, timing could make or break it. Sometimes it’s okay to wait it out to see how things fall in place.

8. You’re overwhelming her

“She likes me but avoids me.” It could be that you are too clingy. She just needs time for herself or perhaps she wants you to be more productive rather than focusing all your attention towards her. So, the more you force yourself onto her, the more likely she’ll just push you away.

9. She probably has a boyfriend

How often do you tell yourself, “why is she ignoring me when she likes me?”…..Yeahhhh …. She’s playin’ you.

10. Does she really like you though?

You know when you guys are in the hallway and when you see your crush, your mind just goes in to theatrical mode. Everything just slows down. You see lights beaming down from the ceiling and she has a halo on top of her head. The girl slowly walks pass you and does a slow hair flip and then gives you a smile. Then you start thinking. Oh, shit she likes me. But does she really though or was that just all inside your head. So there you have it, 10 signs on “why is she ignoring me if she likes me.”

Story Time:

Oh, before I leave here’s a quick story. One time I was at Starbucks with my brother and I ordered a venti ice coffee less ice and sugar because that’s how I like it. The girl who was making it, smile at me and winked at me. I didn’t know if it was a wink at me or if there was something in her eyes. So, I just winked back just to be polite. Then she come over the counter and brings not one but two venti ice coffees less ice and sugar. I was so flatter and said… “Oh, no you didn’t have to.” I was about to drop my pants already. Turns out that she had a huge crush on my brother back in high school… Awkward. So there you have it on 10 theories why is she ignoring me if she likes me.

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1 thought on “Why Is She Ignoring Me If She Likes Me?”

  1. But if the girl to whom I have crush and I also think – see also has a crush – never initiates text message or even do not sometimes read message or respond. But I observed that she frequently stares at me or even during office meetings – stares at me but donot make any move or even replied in next message that I am just senior colleague for her.

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